Yazar: Ingwer Borg

Ingwer Borg is visiting professor of psychology at WWU Münster (Germany). He was scientific director at GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), psychology professor at JLU (Gießen, Germany), and research director at HRC (Munich, Germany). He has authored or edited 20 books and numerous articles on data analysis, survey research, theory construction, and various substantive fields of psychology, from psychophysics to job satisfaction. Patrick J.F. Groenen is professor of statistics at the Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His main research interests are in data science visualization techniques, such as multidimensional scaling, unfolding, and nonlinear multivariate analysis techniques. He has coauthored both technical and more applied papers in a variety of international journals. Patrick Mair received his Ph D in statistics from the University of Vienna in 2005. Since 2013 he has worked as senior lecturer in statistics at the Department of Psychology, Harvard University. His research focuses on computational and applied statistics with special emphasis on psychometric methods, such as latent variable models and multivariate exploratory techniques.

8 Ebooks tarafından Ingwer Borg

Ingwer Borg & Patrick J.F. Groenen: Applied Multidimensional Scaling and Unfolding
This book introduces multidimensional scaling (MDS) and unfolding as data analysis techniques for applied researchers. MDS is used for the analysis of proximity data on a set of objects, representing …
Ingwer Borg & Patrick JF Groenen: Applied Multidimensional Scaling
This book introduces MDS as a psychological model and as a data analysis technique for the applied researcher. It also discusses, in detail, how to use two MDS programs, Proxscal (a module of SPSS) a …
Ingwer Borg: Mitarbeiterbefragungen – kompakt
Mitarbeiterbefragungen werden heute in vielen Unternehmen eingesetzt, um den strategischen und operativen Fortschritt zu messen, zu prognostizieren und zu beschleunigen. Der Band stellt in kompakter …
Ingwer Borg: Führungsinstrument Mitarbeiterbefragung
Mitarbeiterbefragungen gehören zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Instrumenten in der Organisationsführung und -entwicklung. Sie dienen dazu, den Zustand einer Organisation im Hinblick auf die ‘weichen …
Ingwer Borg: Mitarbeiterbefragungen in der Praxis
Mitarbeiterbefragungen (MAB) sind ein mittlerweile bewährtes Führungsinstrument. Sie messen Meinungen und Einstellungen, liefern wichtige Benchmark-Werte und eignen sich gut dazu, Veränderungen in Or …
Ingwer Borg & Patrick Groenen: Modern Multidimensional Scaling
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a technique for the analysis of similarity or dissimilarity data on a set of objects. Such data may be intercorrelations of test items, ratings of similarity on poli …
Heinz Holling: Grundlagen und statistische Methoden der Evaluationsforschung
In nahezu allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen, wie z.B. Bildung, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft oder Gesundheit, werden heutzutage unterschiedlichste Aktivitäten evaluiert. Somit spielt die Evaluationsforschu …