3 Ebooks tarafından Irina P. Chubarenko
Kolumban Hutter & Irina P. Chubarenko: Physics of Lakes
The ongoing thread in this volume of Physics of Lakes is the presentation of different methods of investigation for processes taking place in real lakes with a view to understanding lakes as componen …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Physics of Lakes
This first volume in the treatise on the Physics of Lakes deals with the formulation of the mathematical and physical background. A large number of lakes on Earth are described, presenting their morp …
Kolumban Hutter & Yongqi Wang: Physics of Lakes
The overwhelming focus of this 2nd volume of “Physics of Lakes” is adequately expressed by its subtitle “Lakes as Oscillators”. It deals with barotropic and baroclinic waves in homogeneous and strati …