Isabelle MEISS is a consultant, coach and facilitator.
Her passion: The dance of human rela- tions
Her mission: To contribute to the develop- ment and the expression of interpersonal skills to create successful collaborations that make sense to individuals and orga- nizations.
For more than 25 years, Isabelle has contributed to streamlining the flow of information in B-to-B communication (including sectors such as: NICT, Audit and Consulting, HR, business law, and construction). In particular, through her work as a leadership communications manager (EMC – today Dell-EMC) and senior consultant, she has managed corporate communication projects relating to the different phases of corporate life-cycle and trained experts and managers in media relations.
Integrating her work experience with other professional trainings, Isabelle assists individuals and organizations to improve their capacity for well-being and collaboration. She has been coaching since 2006 and, since 2010, has been assisting individuals, teams and organizations in change management, by facilitating their communication and helping them to manage and develop better relationships and collaboration through:
* Individual and collective coaching of experts, managers, startups, teams, trainers and graduates.
* Facilitation of groups and teams to support change.
* Development of relational skills.
* Support in management of communication and press rela- tions projects.
Isabelle also works as a professional translator and has translated into French, in collaboration with a colleague, Robert Dilts” book series Success Factor Modeling: Next Generation Entrepreneurs, Generative Collaboration, and Conscious Leadership and Resilience.
Isabelle considers life itself to be a journey of learning, empowerment and evolution. Innovation and human relationships energize her as well as the pleasure of the renewed discovery of others during interactions. Convinced that individuals can enrich themselves through their differences and collaboration, she contributes to building bridges by promoting the expression of the best of each person in contexts that support evolution and transformation.
Isabelle works in collaboration with complementary partners and sponsors, including the Dilts Strategy Group; Ambroise conseil, a guid- ance and consulting agency specialized in developing innovation and people (; Mozaïk RH, the first French recruitment and human resources consultancy agency dedicated in promoting diversity (www.mozaï; and Mute et Sens, a multidisciplinary ecosystem of experts serving the transition (www.muteetsens. org). She is also coach for the EASME – Executive Agency for SMEs – Set up by the European Commission (; an active member of Vision 2021; and Com”unique l”authenticité, an association that has since 1996 been promoting approaches that facili- tate knowledge and self-expression in the relationships, relying notably Non-violent Communication (
Professional qualifications:
* Facilitating Collective Intelligence certification by Robert Dilts (2014), Career Change Check® coach accreditation by Promove TM (2012), young people coach certification by Elevatio (2010), NLP Master Practitioner certification by Society of NLP (2006), coach of business certification by FES ( 2006).
* Trainings in trainer profession (Demos, 2011), skills assess- ment (Ambroise Conseil, 2012), systemic of organizations in change with Henry Roux de Bézieux (2007), communi- cation and human relations consulting (AC and Associates multidisciplinary Cycle 1991-1995).
* Non-Violent communication (NVC) practitioner since 2003.
* Master in applied foreign languages for business and inter- national affairs (English – Spanish) – Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Besançon (1986).
Isabelle has danced since her childhood, practiced Qi Gong since 2002 and participated in Long hikes since 2010
2 Ebooks tarafından Isabelle Meiss
Robert B Dilts & Elisabeth Falcone: The PERICEO Tool
Over the past several years, a team of consultants from the Dilts Strategy Group has conducted a research project to model the key success factors—“the differences that makes the difference”—required …
Robert Brian Dilts & Elisabeth Falcone: L’OUTIL PERICEO
Il est des contextes, des organisations où la générativité existe ! Un ensemble de facilitateurs, membres du Dilts Strategy Group, a donc eu comme intention ces dernières années de modéliser l …