Hunted by the Military Order of Legiferius, which seeks to eliminate all magical creatures, a young Ogre named Ogrino has lost his parents and his memory. He is adopted by the circus people and comes to live as a human boy. Discovered again by the Order, he escapes with help from the Pixie Razenbruck. Ogrino fights off a thousand dangers in order to spread the news of the Order’s threat to the peoples of the Legendary World, including Delphoros, the king of seas; Precelestine, monarch of underground; and Themistomene, sovereign of the forests.
Ogrino wakes the dragon Metanor and even meets Felicia Regina, Queen of the Elves, who reveals to him his destiny. But will all this be enough to protect the Gigantum, the tree-father of all life, and preserve the Great Balance from the evil schemes of the Order’s leader, the Magnus Legifer?
Yazar hakkında
J. P. Jentile was born in Paris in 1960 and spent his childhood in both France and Italy. As an economist and then an international banker, he has traveled all around the world being in contact with different people and cultures, finding there an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
His career as a writer grew out of years of inventing bedtime stories for his two sons. An avid reader of Heroic Fantasy, J. P. is happy to share his passion, values, and vivid imagination with the general public through this first novel, which has already been a great success in France.