To compete in today’s marketplace, food product developers are under pressure to create innovative new products at a time when there are demands on them to do more with less of everything. In Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development, a group of seasoned food industry business professionals and academics show today’s food scientists, technologists, and product developers the contemporary R&D processes they need to maximize speed, quality, and efficiency.
Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development is of value to a number of audiences. For food industry executives, it offers a summary of perspectives of the business they are in from unique viewpoints. Academics and students gain a real world perspective of what is occurring in the food industry at the beginning of the 21st Century. And for practicing food scientists and allied professionals, the book provides strategic frameworks for problem solving and the R&D strategies, processes, and methods needed to accelerate and optimize new product development.
İçerik tablosu
Contributors ix
Preface xv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Part I. Understanding Product Development in Today’s Food Industry
Chapter 2. How Did the Food Industry Get (from There) to Here? 7
Diane Toops
Chapter 3. Developing Partnerships: Using Outside Resources for Product Development 27
Kathleen N. Feicht
Chapter 4. Building Superior R&D Organizations 41
Elizabeth Topp (Inspir ed by presentation by Paula Manoski)
Chapter 5. A Supplier Perspective: Superior Services and Products Help Change Happen 55
Victoria de la Huerga and Elizabeth Topp
Chapter 6. One Company’s Perspective on Innovation–Starbucks Coffee 73
Lawrence Wu, Jr.
Part II. Accelerating Food Product Design and Development
Chapter 7. Brands: A Discussion on the Difference Between Creating Good Brands and Meaningful Brands 87
Johannes Hartmann
Chapter 8. Market Forces: The Push-Pull of Marketing and Advertising in the New Product Business 103
Jeffrey Ew ald and Howard R. Moskowitz
Chapter 9. Applying Processes That Accelerate New Product Development 123
Hollis Ashman
Chapter 10. Five Years Later–Looking at How the University Prepares Someone for a Career in Food Science 133
Carol Mc Call, Chow Ming Lee, and Soo-Y eun Lee
Chapter 11. Speed Bump or Opportunity: Innovative Packaging and Its Impact on Accelerated Product Development Time 149
Pamela Eitmant, Clint Haynes, and Steve De Hoff
Chapter 12. Making Lemon Bars Out of Lemons: Using the Power of Teamwork to Transform Concepts to Reality 171
Mary K. Wagner and Leslie J. Herzog
Part III. Optimizing Food Product Design and Development
Chapter 13. Identifying Critical Steps in the New Product Development Process 183
Yao-Wen Huang
Chapter 14. Statistical Design: Experimental Units and Proper Designs 195
T. Kassel and J. C. Huang
Chapter 15. Category Appraisal and Ingredient Search: Identifying Key Sensory Factors and Product Features at the Early Development Stage 225
Howard R. Moskowitz and Andrea Maier
Chapter 16. Applications of Discriminant and Logistic Regression Analysis for Consumer Acceptance and Consumer-Oriented Product Optimization Study 271
Witoon Prinyawiwatkul and Penkwan Chompreeda
Chapter 17. Response Surface Methodology and Consumer-Driven Product Optimization 297
Howard R. Moskowitz and Andrea Maier
Chapter 18. Accelerating and Optimizing New Food Product Design and Development–Status and State of the Industry: Do You Rent or Buy? 351
Jacqueline H. Beckley, M. Michele Foley, Elizabeth J. Topp, J. C. Huang, and Witoon Prinyawiwatkul
Index 361
Yazar hakkında
Jacqueline H. Beckley is the founder of The Understanding & Insight Group, Denville, NJ, an innovative business development and strategy firm working with both large and small companies to integrate traditional approaches with new concepts and tools for business growth.
M. Michele Foley is research manager for Frito Lay, Inc., Dallas, TX.
Elizabeth J. Topp is principal food scientist with Unilever Foods North America, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
J. C. Huang is project leader and senior food scientist in a major food company and had previously managed projects for new product development with new patented technologies.
Witoon Prinyawiwatkul is associate professor of food science at Louisiana State University and LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge, LA.