Who knows what makes a relationship in service really a task for the whole world and how the nectar of devotion tastes?
Love can lift us up and give us a new life. Together for the world, and for all living beings. Come along, dear readers, and be enriched with stories, reports and wisdom from the eternal heaven of bliss.
This is described in the Sacred Scriptures of this world such as Bhagavad-Gitā, where the Supreme Truth personally describes a message of love and connection.
Join in and organise your life proactively, for good, valuable and long-lasting relationships.
No gold and diamonds can buy a happy relationship, but they serve as a symbol of faithful togetherness.
Only true knowledge of one, eternal and personal truth provides information on what it really means to live blissful connections.
Good relationships and happy friendships are the be-all and end-all of a growing society and a healthy world.
Learn, dear readers, the simple truths of a pure relationship. Relationships are researched and thought through over millennia, but they can only be experienced.
Feel free to put on something special, we go on a journey and experience common ground in a completely different way!
Close to life, so every relationship can be a way back to realisation and happiness.
Come with us on a journey from faith in yourself to cosmic love and simple applications.
Dedication, trust and affection are like fine reins of human consciousness that direct emotions. Enter the carriage of self-confidence and let your mind act. Playfully and sublimely, dear readers, you will learn how every relationship can serve as a journey to happiness.
The following self-help is based on yogic principles, such as celibacy, cleanliness, compassion and honesty, and is authoritatively lived and passed on by the author. In the afterword, one will find references to literature, sources, a glossary and information about the author’s message.
Yazar hakkında
Jan Wolter ist auch bekannt unter seinem spirituellen Namen Yaśomatīnandana dāsa.
Das ist Sanskrit und ein Dienertitel der Persönlichkeit Gottes, Kṛṣṇa. (lit. übers. der Diener (dasa) von dem Sohn (nandana) Mutter Yashodas (yashomati).
Dieser Titel wurde von einem spirituellen Meister des Bhakti-Yoga verleiht und dieser ist in der Linie Seiner Göttlichen Gnade A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, welcher die Welt mit vielen Schriften bereicherte.
Diesem Beispiel folgt der Autor und gibt authentisch Gedichte und persönliche Erlebnisse weiter, um Menschen zu inspirieren die spirituelle Reise zu wagen.
Der Autor ist momentan auf Reisen in Indien und lernt weiter die Heiligen Schriften, wie Srimad Bhagavad-Gitā und Bhagavatam kennen.