Get your finances in order with smart budgeting and money mindfulness
You Only Live Once is the guide to achieving your best life through smart money moves. Before you even begin making a budget, you need to think about why. Where do you see yourself financially in ten years? Five years? This time next year? What does money do for you? Once you know your destination, you can begin charting your course. Step-by-step guidance walks you through the budgeting process, and shows you how to plan your financial path to point toward your goals. You’ll learn how to prioritize spending, how to save efficiently, and how to take advantage of simple tools you didn’t know you had. Next comes the most important part: taking control. You need to really look at how you perceive and use money day-to-day. Chances are, changing a few habits could give you some breathing room and help you reach your goals sooner.
You work hard for your money, yet there never seems to be enough. You don’t need to live like a pauper, but you need to be truly aware of just where your money is going, and why. Financial awareness is the key to a financially secure future, and this book unpacks it all to help you get where you want to go.
* Accept past decisions and articulate your financial goals
* Align your lifestyle with your budget
* Explore your relationship with money
* Re-evaluate financial habits and behaviors
You know you need a budget, but you never seem to get around to doing it. Or maybe you did, but you can never seem to stick to it. Smart planning is a major factor in financial security, and it involves just as much introspection as math. You Only Live Once is more than a budgeting guide–it’s a guide to revamping your financial behaviors to achieve the life you want.
İçerik tablosu
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
About the Author xix
Introduction 1
Part I On the Road to Financial Wellness 5
Chapter 1 Are You Living YOLO? 7
The Millennial Experience 7
The YOLO Mindset 8
Chapter 2 Financial Education and Living Your Dream Lifestyle 11
What Is Financial Education? 13
The ACT Process 14
Part II Awareness 15
Chapter 3 Know Where You’re Starting From 17
Your Money Mindset 18
What Is Your Relationship with Money? 19
How Is Your Spending Contributing to Your Life? 20
How Are You Using Your Time? 22
Cultivate a Wealthy Money Mindset 23
Chapter 4 Know Where You Want to Go 31
Clarify Your Values 32
Have a Vision for Your Life 35
Follow a Money Philosophy 38
Chapter 5 Getting What You Want 41
Change Your Financial Behaviors and Habits 41
The Habit of Spending 42
The Habit of Saving 43
Get in the Know 45
Part III Creating a Plan 63
Chapter 6 Building a Lifestyle Budget and Spending Plan 67
Dealing with Your Fear of Lifestyle Change 70
Living the YOLO Lifestyle 74
The YOLO Budget 77
Chapter 7 Using the Purposeful Money Strategy to Spend and Save 97
Dual Checking Accounts Method 98
The Purposeful Savings Method 101
Chapter 8 Improving Credit Use and Eliminating Debt Forever 111
Credit Card Debt 115
Using the Debt Avalanche Method 117
Using the Debt Snowball Method 118
Part IV Taking Control 121
Chapter 9 Creating a Purposeful Life 123
Finding Happiness 124
Increasing Your Awareness 126
Organizing Your Finances 128
Managing Your Time 130
Having Better Conversations 132
Improving Financial Relationships 134
Chapter 10 Spending Rules 137
Spending Mindfully 138
Spend Less Than You Earn 139
Pay Less for Every Purchase 139
Spend on Loves, Not Likes 140
Use Credit Purposefully 142
Chapter 11 Living Mindfully 145
Building Your Freedom Fund 146
Don’t Quit Your Job 148
Traveling the World 151
Lending Money to Family and Friends 152
Making Money with Money: Investing 153
Protecting Your Legacy: Insurance 155
Finding an Expert 156
Conclusion 159
Index 161
Yazar hakkında
JASON VITUG is the founder of Phroogal, a financial -education start-up and lifestyle brand empowering millennials to live their dream lifestyles through financial knowledge. He is the promoter of the Smile Lifestyle movement, based on a belief that experiential and purposeful living can be achieved through informed financial decision making.