Achieving successful financial viability by broadening revenue sources is one of the most important issues facing colleges and universities today.
Increasing operating costs, along with the reliance on traditional student tuition, government support, and philanthropy, are challenging universities. One way administration leaders and faculty are meeting this challenge is to establish supplemental revenue streams from a variety other sources such as:
* continuing education,
* credit and noncredit certificates,
* degree completion and upgrade programs,
* study abroad,
* domestic and international branch campuses,
* distance education,
* auxiliary services,
* technology transfer, and
* partnerships or alliances with other organizations.
These types of activities, formerly considered secondary ventures, are now integral to lasting and responsible financial strategic planning.
This monograph examines a wide variety of supplemental income options and opportunities, as well as examples of restructuring financial planning schema. While not negating the value of traditional college education, these new revenue sources in fact lead to greater institutional effectiveness.
This is the 1st issue of the 41th volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.
İçerik tablosu
Executive Summary vi
Foreword xii
An Introduction to Revenue Origins and Changes 1
Need for Revenue 8
Established Income Sources 15
Recent Disruptions and Opportunities 23
Academic Programs for Generating Additional Income 28
Noncredit Academic Programs 38
Credentialing and Certificates Programs 43
Degree Completion and Upgrade Programs 48
Partnerships, Alliances, and Joint Ventures 54
Study Abroad Programs 62
Branch Campuses 66
Online Distance Education 69
Nonacademic and Auxiliary Opportunities 77
Maximizing Facilities Utilization 80
Other Alternative Revenue Sources, Grants, and Outsourcing 86
Technology Transfer 92
Strategic Considerations for New Income 97
Budget Planning Options 99
Contemporary and Developing Approaches 104
Conclusion 110
References 114
Name Index 129
Subject Index 134
About the Author 138
Yazar hakkında
Jeffrey W. Alstete is associate professor of management and business administration in the Hagan School of Business at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York.