The Journal of Medieval Military History continues to consolidate its now assured position as the leading academic vehicle for scholarly publication in the field of medieval warfare. Medieval Warfare
This volume focuses on two of the most vibrant areas of research in the field: Crusader studies and the warfare of the Late Middle Ages, embracing a diversity of approaches. Chapters look at the battle of Tell Bashir (1108) in thecontext of Saljuq politics; the defenses of ‘Altit castle, one of the Templars’ strongest fortifications, from an archaeological perspective; the involvement of the Military Orders in secular conflicts, particularly in Europe; and how royal women affected and were affected by the wars of Castile and the Crown of Aragon in the fourteenth century. Fencing competitions are used to explore masculinity and status in Strasbourg from the late Middle Ages into the early modern period, and key aspects of the actual conduct of warfare in the fifteenth century come under detailed scrutiny: the role of cavalry in turning the Hundred Years War in favour of the French, and the logistical and procurement difficulties and methods involved in fielding a Florentine army in 1498. The volume is completed with a translation and discussion of Guillaume Guiart’s rich description of a French royal army on the march and in camp atthe start of the fourteenth century.
Contributors: Fabrizio Ansani, Drew Bolinger, Oliver Dupuis, Ehud Galili, Michael Harbinson, Donald J. Kagay, Michael Livingston, Ken Mondschein, Helen J. Nicholson, Avrahem Ronen, Andrew L.J. Villalon
İçerik tablosu
Baktash the Forgotten: The Battle of Tell Bashir (1108) and the Saljuq Civil Wars – Drew Bolinger
The External Fortifications of ‘Atlit Castle, the Only Unconquered Crusader Stronghold in the Holy Land – Ehud Galili
The External Fortifications of ‘Atlit Castle, the Only Unconquered Crusader Stronghold in the Holy Land – Avrahem Ronen
Holy Warriors, Worldly War: Military Religious Orders and Secular Conflict – Helen J. Nicholson
Elionor of Sicily: A Mediterranean Queen’s Two Lives of Family, Administration, Diplomacy, and War – Donald Kagay
Wives, Mistresses, Lovers, and Daughters: The Fortunes of War for Royal Women in Late Fourteenth Century Castile. OR: A Gender Limitation on Writing History from Chronicles – L. J. Andrew Villalon
The Lance in the Fifteenth Century: How French Cavalry Overcame the English Defensive System in the Latter Part of the Hundred Years War – Michael John Harbinson
Supplying the Army, 1498. The Florentine Campaign in the Pisan Countryside – Fabrizio Ansani
Fencing, Martial Sport, and Urban Culture in Early Modern Germany: The Case of Strasbourg – Ken Mondschein
Fencing, Martial Sport, and Urban Culture in Early Modern Germany: The Case of Strasbourg – Olivier Dupuis
Note: An Army on the March and in Camp: Guillaume Guiart’s
Branche des royaus lingnages – Michael Livingston
Yazar hakkında
CLIFFORD J. ROGERS is a Professor of History at the United States Military Academy and founding director of the West Point Digital History Centre. His many books and articles on medieval warfare have been recognized with awards from the Royal Historical Society’s Alexander Prize to the Society for Military History’s Distinguished Book Award and Moncado Prize, as well as two Verbruggen Prizes and the Bachrach Medal from De Re Militari. His recent work has focused on early gunpowder and gunpowder artillery.