How different would Americans’ lives be if they had guaranteed access to health care, generous public pensions, paid family leave, high-quality public pre-school care, increased rights at work, and a greater say in how corporations are run?
This one-of-a-kind book emphasizes that differences in policies and institutions affect the lives of citizens by comparing health, pension, and family policies, as well as labor markets and corporate governance in the United States, Sweden, and Germany. Demonstrating that the US model of capitalism is not the only one that is viable, Bowman encourages students not only to rethink their assumptions about what policy alternatives are feasible, but also to learn more about American capitalism through insightful contrast. Covering a wide range of policy areas and written in a crisp, engaging style,
Capitalisms Compared is a perfect companion for courses in political economy and public policy.
İçerik tablosu
Chapter 1: Introduction
Comparing Political Economies: Markets, Politics, and Institutions
Welfare States: Welfare State or Social Security State?
The Social Democratic Welfare State: Politics against Markets
The Liberal Welfare State: Embracing the Market
The Conservative Welfare State: Protecting Society from the Market
“Varieties of Capitalism:” Business Institutions and Strategies
Liberal Market Economies: Reaching for the Invisible Hand
Cooperative Market Economies: Patient Capital and Non-market Coordination
The plan of this book
Chapter 2: Health Policy
Is Health Care a Commodity?
Germany: Private Practice and Universal Coverage
Basic Structure: Compulsory Non-profit Insurance
Sweden: A Right to High Quality Health Care
Basic Structure: County-level Provision of Services
The United States: Incomplete Coverage through Private and Public Insurance
The Private Welfare State in Health Care
The Long Road to Health Policy Reform
Present Structure: From Public Insurance to No Insurance
Private insurance
The Uninsured
Comparing Systems and Outcomes
Chapter 3: Pension Policy
Paying as You Go: Where Do Pensions Come From?
Germany: Earnings-related Public Pensions
Current Policy: The Shift away from Guaranteed Benefits
Sweden: Public Pensions with “Notional” Accounting
Current Policy: Introducing the Market to the Social Democratic Model
The United States: A Public-Private Pension Mix with Precarious Retirement
Social Security Today: A False Crisis
Private Pensions: The Disappearing Promise
Comparing Pension Systems and Outcomes
Chapter 4: Family Policy
Bringing Families Back In
Sweden: Paid Family Leaves and Universal Public Childcare
Current Policy: Toward Gender Equality?
Germany : Moving Beyond the Male Breadwinner Model
Current Policy: Family Leaves, Cash Assistance, and Child Care
The United States: Juggling Work and Family through the Market
Current Policy: The Limits of Tax Breaks
Comparing Policies and Outcomes
Chapter 5: The Labor Market
Human Effort as a Commodity: The Distinctive Features of Labor Markets
The “Two Faces of Unionism”: Are Unionized Firms more Efficient?
The Structure of Collective Bargaining and the Logic Centralized Wage-setting
Sweden: Flexible Centralization?
The Historic Compromise
Wage Bargaining in Contemporary Sweden
Workplace Participation and Job Security
Germany: Co-determination and Coordinated Bargaining
Background and Overview
Works Councils: Employee Representation on the Job
Labor Market Organizations and Collective Bargaining
Job Security and Labor Disputes
The United States: Bargaining among Unequals
The Rocky Path toward the Right to Unionize
The Unionized Sector: Organization
Wages, Benefits, and Protections: Comparing the Union and Non-union Sectors
The Decline of Unions in the US
Comparing Systems and Outcomes
Chapter 6: Corporate Governance and Finance
In Whose Interests? Shareholders Versus Stakeholders
The United States: Stock Market Capitalism Run Amok?
From Public Service Corporations to Industrial Capitalism
From Managerialism to “Shareholder Value”
Germany: Patient Capital and Bank Control
Postwar Corporate Governance: The Classic German Model
The Reform of German Corporate Governance
Sweden: Capitalist Enterprise without Capitalists?
The Post-War Model of Corporate Governance in Sweden
Swedish Corporate Governance in Transition?
The Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 and Its Aftermath
Chapter 7: The Viability of Alternative Forms of Capitalism
Globalization and the Economic Feasibility of Alternative Capitalisms.
Neoliberalism and the Political Feasibility of Alternative Capitalisms
Conclusion: But Not in the US?
Yazar hakkında
John R. Bowman is professor of political science at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the author of Capitalist Collective Action: Competition, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Coal Industry, as well as articles on the politics of labor markets and social policy in both the United States and Western Europe.