The Vampyre, written by J. W. Polidori, is a gothic tale following the adventures of Aubrey, a young English gentleman, and his intriguing travel companion, Lord Ruthven. As they journey through Europe, Aubrey begins to suspect that the charismatic nobleman harbours dark secrets. The story, filled with mystery and a chilling atmosphere, is one of the earliest works to shape the modern literary archetype of the vampire, setting the tone for future tales of horror and suspense.
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John William Polidori (1795-1821) was a British physician and writer, known for pioneering vampire literature. Born in London, he graduated in medicine from the University of Edinburgh at 19. He became Lord Byron’s personal physician and, during their stay at the Villa Diodati, wrote ‘The Vampyre, ‘ one of the first modern vampire stories. This work greatly influenced gothic literature. Despite his talent, Polidori’s life was brief and tragic, ending at the age of 25.