Jorge Durand Doctor en Geografía por la Universidad de Toulouse (Francia). Profesor-investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara y profesor asociado del CIDE. <br>Jorge A. Schiavon Uriegas. Candidato a Doctor en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, por la Universidad de California, San Diego. Profesor-investigador titular de la División de Estudios Internacionales del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE). Sus líneas de investigación incluyen política exterior de México, descentralización y federalismo en América Latina, economía política internacional, relaciones México-Estados Unidos, Relaciones hemisféricas latinoamericanas, opinión pública y política exterior, política comparada de América Latina y teoría de las relaciones internacionales.
4 Ebooks tarafından Jorge A. Schiavon
Jorge Schiavon: Comparative Paradiplomacy
Studying paradiplomacy comparatively, this book explains why and how sub-state governments (SSG) conduct their international relations (IR) with external actors, and how federal authorities and local …
Jorge Schiavon: Comparative Paradiplomacy
Studying paradiplomacy comparatively, this book explains why and how sub-state governments (SSG) conduct their international relations (IR) with external actors, and how federal authorities and local …
Rafael Fernandez de Castro & Jorge A. Schiavon: International Relations of California and Texas with Mexico and the World
This book analyzes the international relations of Mexico and the two most important sub-state governments of the United States, California and Texas. It explains why and how these two states conduct …
Rafael Fernandez de Castro & Jorge A. Schiavon: International Relations of California and Texas with Mexico and the World
This book analyzes the international relations of Mexico and the two most important sub-state governments of the United States, California and Texas. It explains why and how these two states conduct …