Classic Grounded Theory: Applications With Qualitative and Quantitative Data provides practical ‘how to’ guidance for doing grounded theory (GT) using the classic approach articulated by Barney Glaser. The authors emphasize the philosophical flexibility of classic GT as a ‘full package’ approach that can be applied to any study and any type of data where the goal is to discover and generate a conceptually integrated theory. Drawing on the experiences of novice researchers who have participated in GT troubleshooting seminars, the book provides step-by-step guidance on undertaking a research study that stays true to the classic GT practice paradigm.
İçerik tablosu
An Overview of Classic Grounded Theory
1. Situating Grounded Theory on the Research Landscape
The Early Development of Grounded Theory
Are Glaserian and Straussian GT Reconcilable?
The Nature and Power of Classic GT
Emergence of the Classic GT Paradigm
In Summary
Test Your Knowledge
Further Reading
2. Discovering New Theory as the End Purpose of Classic Grounded Theory
What Is a Theory?
The Drive From Substantive to Formal GT
Theorizing in Rupture With Existing Literature
In Summary
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Further Reading
3. Foundational Pillars of Classic Grounded Theory
Constant Comparative Analysis
Theoretical Sampling
Developing Your Stance as a Grounded Theorist
In Summary
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Further Reading
4. Clarifying Common Sources of Confusion in Grounded Theory
Emergence Versus Preconception
Description Versus Conceptualization
Substantive Versus Theoretical Coding
In Summary
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Further Reading
Classic Grounded Theory in Practice
5. Finding Your Data
Why ‘All Is Data’
Overlooked Sources of Available Data
Collecting Your Own Data
Data Collection and Analysis as an Iterative Process
In Summary
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Further Reading
6. Analyzing Your Data
Conceptual Analysis as Distinct From Descriptive Analysis
Using Constant Comparative Analysis
Types and Stages of Coding in Grounded Theory
Core Category Emergence
The Key Role of Analytic Memoing in GT Analysis
The Iterative Nature of Data Analysis in Grounded Theory
To Software or Not to Software
In Summary
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Further Reading
7. Shaping the Theory
Theoretical Sampling
Theoretical Saturation
Theoretical Coding
In Summary
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Further Reading
Writing and Evaluating Classic Grounded Theory
8. Writing as an Important Part of Doing Classic GT
The Process Leading to the Readiness to Write Moment
Approaching the Literature in a GT Study
Writing GT With Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Data
The First Draft
Writing Blocks
In Summary
Test Your Knowledge
Test Your Knowledge
Further Reading
9. Writing Classic GT for Publication
Doing Versus Writing
Writing Classic GT Using Mixed Data
Writing Conventions
Some Guidelines for Publishing Classic GT in Top Tier Research
In Summary
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Further Reading
10. Evaluating Classic Grounded Theory
The Consequences of the Paradigm War
Criteria for Evaluating Grounded Theory
In Summary
Test Your Knowledge
Further Reading
Appendix A: Doing Qualitative Research Does Not Mean You Are Doing Classic GT
Appendix B: Classic GT Using Qualitative Data
Appendix C: Doing Classic GT Using Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Appendix D: Some Examples of Theoretical Coding Using Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Appendix E: Examples of Diagrams as Precursors of a Theory
Yazar hakkında
Isabelle Walsh defended her Ph D and HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches: Habilitation to supervise research) in Paris-Dauphine University (France). Beside methodological and research design issues, her research themes include Information Systems Usage, Cultural Issues and Change Management. Her research has been published in several international top tier outlets (European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Organizational Research Methods , Systèmes d’Information & Management, etc.). Beyond her research achievements, she has extensive corporate and consultancy experience and is currently full Professor at SKEMA Business School in France and Head of the Project Management, Information Systems and Supply Chain department; her teaching is aligned with her research themes.