‘I was dying from the inside out and could envision nothing life giving, nothing energizing, nothing vital happening in my life. Ever. Again.’ Many of us can identify with pastor Kai Nilsen in this place of exhaustion and long to find a source of refreshment. This book shows us the way to the wellspring of the Holy Spirit. When we find the energy for creative life change in God, we discover the courage to
– say no to an addiction and yes to life
– gain new insight to how we are designed and linked to the web of creation
– forgive others and reconnect relationships
– participate in loving service with and for others If you are ready for renewal, then the life-giving spiritual practices in this book will point the way.
İçerik tablosu
Foreword by James Bryan Smith
Introduction: Energy Depletion
1. The Renewable Energy of the Holy Spirit
2. The Energy of Grace
3. The Energy of Possibility
4. The Energy of Paradox
5. The Energy of the Natural World
6. The Energy of Relationships
7. The Energy of Fruitful Work
8. The Energy of Rest
Conclusion: Trusting the Slow Work of God
Study Guide
About the Author
Yazar hakkında
James Bryan Smith is the author of the Good and Beautiful Series. He is a theology professor at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, where he also serves as the director of the Apprentice Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. A founding member of Richard J. Foster's spiritual renewal ministry, Renovaré, Smith is an ordained United Methodist Church minister and has served in various capacities in local churches.