Philip Mirvis is an organizational psychologist whoseresearch and practice concerns large-scale organizational changeand its implications for a global workforce. He is the author ofnumerous books, including The Cynical Americans and Joining Forces, both from Jossey-Bass.
Karen Ayas is an author, educator, and research fellow at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, and partner in the Ripples Groups, a consulting practice specializing in growthstrategies and change management.
George Roth is a consultant, author, and researchassociate at MIT”s Sloan School of Management.
1 Ebooks tarafından Karen Ayas
Philip H. Mirvis & Karen Ayas: To the Desert and Back
Dove, Lipton, Knorr, Ben & Jerry’s, and Slim*Fast are a few ofthe brands that are part of the $66 billion global empire known as Unilever. When the story opens, one of its divisions is in deeptrouble …