Insights from a pioneering leader in world religion, on the intersections of the sacred & the secular.
‘As Christians—indeed as people of faith of any tradition—we are called to tend to the needs of the least among us. Our response to them must be the response of faith. God gives us a new heart to do this work, and every time we gather to do it, God offers a pacemaker jolt to tweak our heart’s rhythm. The challenge is this: will our hearts respond with a strengthened beat, in tune with God’s own heartbeat, sending more life out into the world?’
—from the Introduction
Explore our connections—as human beings with each other, as one nation with all other nations, as the human species with the whole of our environment—through the lens of faith. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, examines these connections as she looks at the intersections of faith with the major issues of our day:
- How does faith speak to poverty, climate change, the economy, health care, and what is the faith response?
- How can believers from many faith traditions find common ground while honoring the Divine, serving one another, and creating deeper community?
- How do we best use the resources of faith to connect us to the hearts of our
neighbors and to the heart of God?
İçerik tablosu
Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii
Part One
Connecting with the Margins 1
Serving the Poor 3
Healing for All 20
Listening for the Voice of God 25
Creative Survival 30
Opening Doors to Women 35
Seeking Our Roots 41
Peace Work 46
Part Two
Connecting Faith with Public Life 51
Immigration and Faith 53
Salt of the Earth 57
Heaven on Earth 62
Blessed Are the Change Makers 67
Provoking Love 72
Interrupting Business as Usual 77
Mission Possible 82
Ubuntu 87
Part Three
Connecting with Creation 93
God on the Gulf Coast 95
Science and Faith 99
The Ecology of Faith 106
Good Shepherd 112
Part Four
Connecting with the Heart of God 117
Who Is Jesus in the World Today? 119
Finding Our Way Home 127
Stardust 131
The Dream of God 134
Called by Name 139
The Web of Life 143
Saints and Superheroes 148
Holy Conversation 153
Part Five
Healing Broken Connections 159
Practicing Peace 161
Pentecost Continues 166
Living the Questions 172
High Anxiety 177
Pushing the Boundaries 182
Go Forth for God 187
Fossils 192
A Moveable Feast 196
Healing Division 201
Finding God in Dissent 206
Notes 211
Suggestions for Further Reading 213
Yazar hakkında
Joan Chittister, OSB, is an international lecturer and award-winning author of more than thirty-five books, including The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully. She is founder and executive director of Benetvision, a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality located in Erie, Pennsylvania. She serves as co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women and the Network of Spiritual Progressives.