This widely used clinical reference and text–now significantly updated with 75% new material reflecting therapeutic advances, diagnostic changes, and increased coverage of sexual minority groups–comprehensively addresses sexual problems and their treatment. Prominent contributors interweave theory, research, and clinical considerations. Detailed case examples illustrate the process of assessment and intervention with individuals and couples across the lifespan, with attention to gender-related, cultural, and health concerns. The volume features an integrative introduction and conclusion, plus an instructive editorial commentary at the beginning of each chapter.
New to This Edition
*Many new authors and extensively revised chapters.
*Coverage of advances in sexual medicine, ICD-11 diagnostic changes, and other timely topics.
*Chapters on sexual aversion, female sexual arousal disorder, and out-of-control sexual behavior.
*Chapters on the transition to parenthood and the treatment of sexual concerns in the BDSM community and adult transgender clients.
*Chapters on additional medical issues: cancer and spinal cord injury.
İçerik tablosu
Introduction, Yitzchak M. Binik & Kathryn S. K. Hall
I. Sex Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction
1. Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder in Women, Lori Brotto & Julia Velten
2. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, Cindy M. Meston, Amelia M. Stanton, & Stanley E. Althof
3. Low Sexual Desire in Men, Pedro Nobre, Joana Carvalho, & Kristen Mark
4. An Integrative Biopsychosocial Approach to the Conceptualization and Treatment of Erectile Disorder, Dennis Kalogeropoulos & Julie Larouche
5. Orgasm Problems in Women, Laurie B. Mintz & Juliana Guitelman
6. Treatment of Premature Ejaculation: Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy, and Combined Therapy, Stanley E. Althof
7. Delayed Ejaculation, Michael A. Perelman
8. Genital Pain in Women and Men, Sophie Bergeron, Natalie O. Rosen, Caroline F. Pukall, & Serena Corsini-Munt
9. Lifelong Inability to Experience Intercourse (Vaginismus), Moniek M. ter Kuile & Elke D. Reissing
10. Sexual Aversion, Charmaine Borg, Stephanie Both, Moniek M. ter Kuile, & Peter J. de Jong
II. Therapeutic Challenges for Sex Therapy
Section A. Sexual Limits and Boundaries
11. The Privileging of Pleasure: Sex Therapy in Global Cultural Context, Kathryn S. K. Hall & Cynthia A. Graham
12. Out-of-Control Sexual Behavior, Douglas Braun-Harvey & Michael A. Vigorito
13. The Pleasure of Power: Sex Therapy in the BDSM Community, David Ortmann
14. Restoring Trust and Sexual Intimacy after Infidelities, Lawrence Josephs
Section B. Lifespan and Transitions
15. Sexuality in the Transition to Parenthood, Natalie O. Rosen & E. Sandra Byers
16. Sexuality and Aging: Navigating the Sexual Challenges of Aging Bodies, Daniel N. Watter
17. Sex and Couple Therapy with Survivors of Childhood Trauma, Heather B. Mac Intosh, Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, & Sophie Bergeron
18. Gender Dysphoria in Children and Adolescents, Kenneth J. Zucker
19. Improving Sexual Function and Pleasure in Transgender Persons, Mats Holmberg, Stefan Arver, & Cecilia Dhejne
Section C. Medical Issues
20. Sexuality and Cancer, Sharon Bober & Sandy Falk
21. Sexuality in Men and Women with Spinal Cord Injury, Frédérique Courtois & Marina Gérard
22. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, Caroline F. Pukall & David Goldmeier
23. Conclusion: Where Is Sex Therapy Going?, Marta Meana, Kathryn S. K. Hall, & Yitzchak M. Binik
Yazar hakkında
Kathryn S. K. Hall, Ph D, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Princeton, New Jersey. She is a past president of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research and is the book review editor for the
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Dr. Hall is a member of the Special Classification Review Board appointed by the Governor to oversee the treatment of incarcerated sex offenders in the state of New Jersey. She teaches and conducts trainings internationally on the practice of sex therapy. Her research interests and publications address the need to adapt sex therapy for a culturally diverse population.
Yitzchak M. Binik, Ph D (‘Irv’), is Professor in the Department of Psychology at Mc Gill University and Director Emeritus of the Sex and Couple Therapy Service at Mc Gill University Health Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Binik is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and was a member of the DSM-5 workgroup on sexual and gender identity disorders. He has published approximately 150 peer-reviewed articles in the areas of sexuality and health psychology. Dr. Binik is a recipient of the Distinguished Contribution to Professional Psychology Award from the Canadian Psychological Association and of the Masters and Johnson Award for Lifetime Achievement and the Mentorship Award from the Society for Sex Therapy and Research.