Agent-based modeling and social simulation have emerged as an interdisciplinary area of social science that includes computational economics, organizational science, social dynamics, and complex systems. This area contributes to enriching our understanding of the fundamental processes of social phenomena caused by complex interactions among agents. Bringing together diverse approaches to social simulation and research agendas, this book presents a unique collection of contributions from the Second World Congress on Social Simulation, held in 2008 at George Mason University in Washington DC, USA. This book in particular includes articles on norms, diffusion, social networks, economy, markets and organizations, computational modeling, and programming environments, providing new hypotheses and theories, new simulation experiments compared with various data sets, and new methods for model design and development. These works emerged from a global and interdisciplinary scientific community of the three regional scientific associations for social simulation: the North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science (NAACSOS; now the Computational Social Science Society, CSSS), the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA), and the Pacific Asian Association for Agent-b Based Approach in Social Systems Sciences (PAAA).
İçerik tablosu
Norms, Diffusion and Social Networks.- A Classification of Normative Architectures.- The Complex Loop of Norm Emergence: A Simulation Model.- A Social Network Model of Direct Versus Indirect Reciprocity in a Corrections-Based Therapeutic Community.- A Force-Directed Layout for Community Detection with Automatic Clusterization.- Comparing Two Sexual Mixing Schemes for Modelling the Spread of HIV/AIDS.- Exploring Context Permeability in Multiple Social Networks.- A Naturalistic Multi-Agent Model of Word-of-Mouth Dynamics.- Economy, Market and Organization.- Introducing Preference Heterogeneity into a Monocentric Urban Model: An Agent-Based Land Market Model.- The Agent-Based Double Auction Markets: 15 Years On.- A Doubly Structural Network Model and Analysis on the Emergence of Money.- Analysis of Knowledge Retrieval Heuristics in Concurrent Software Development Teams.- Reputation and Economic Performance in Industrial Districts: Modelling Social Complexity Through Multi-Agent Systems.- Modeling Approaches and Programming Environments.- Injecting Data into Agent-Based Simulation.- The MASON Households World Model of Pastoral Nomad Societies.- Effects of Adding a Simple Rule to a Reactive Simulation.- Applying Image Texture Measures to Describe Segregation in Agent-Based Modeling.- Autonomous Tags: Language as Generative of Culture.- Virtual City Model for Simulating Social Phenomena.- Modeling Endogenous Coordination Using a Dynamic Language*.