KIMIO KASE is Professor at IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain. He has written and contributed to several books and articles, published both in Spanish outlets and international journals such as the International Marketing Review.
ALESIA SLOCUM is Professor of Management and Marketing at St Louis University, Madrid, Spain. She has a Doctorate in Business Administration from Cranfield University, UK.
YING YING ZHANG is a Professor at CUNEF, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Before starting her academic career, Professor Zhang worked extensively in international business between Spain and China including negotiation, consulting and cross-cultural training.
6 Ebooks tarafından Kimio Kase
Kimio Kase & Alesia Slocum: Asian versus Western Management Thinking
‘Navigating paradigm changes is a critical element of business leadership: analog to digital; brand to retailer to consumer; reason to emotion; West to East. Anything that illuminates these powershif …
Kimio Kase & Tanguy Jacopin: CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers: Explaining the Success of Spanish Banks
This book analyzes rapidly-growing world-class Spanish retail banks. It argues that their success is due to excellent management, clear-headed CEOs, the presence of a cluster of like-minded executive …
Kimio Kase & César González Cantón: Towards Organizational Knowledge
In recognition of Professor Ikujiro Nonaka’s contribution to the field of Knowledge Management this book, forming part of The Nonaka Series on Knowledge and Innovation from Palgrave Macmillan, deals …
Kimio Kase & Eugene Choi: Dr Kazuo Inamori’s Management Praxis and Philosophy
This book offers a meditation on the links between philosophy and its implementation, interpreting why and how a leader’s ‘philosophy’ strengthens his action predicated on the purposeful vision of li …