The Student Workbook is a companion to the book The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success . The Workbook offers you a hands-on resource for gaining a clearer understanding of emotional intelligence and is filled with practical exercises for developing your emotional intelligence. Filled with case studies, self-assessments, activities around movie and television clips, and reflection and discussion questions, the Student Workbook will give you the skills and confidence you need in order to succeed in college and beyond.
‘Success in college is not just a matter of luck nor is it all about being the smartest person in class. The way you approach college matters. The great news in this book is that you can learn how to be successful in college and in your life beyond college.’Randy L. Swing, executive director, Association for Institutional Research
‘We have been long aware that academic ability does not necessarily predict college success. This book provides a comprehensive look at emotional intelligence and the role it plays in student persistence. It takes these noncognitive aspects that we know really matter and puts them into a practical, user-friendly guide. This book is long overdue in higher education.’Catherine Andersen, master trainer in emotional intelligence; professor and special assistant to the provost for student success, Gallaudet University
İçerik tablosu
Preface ix
About the Authors xi
1 Introduction to Emotional Intelligence 1
Emotional Intelligence Overview 2
A Word About EI Scales and Skills 4
The Student EQ Edge: Student Workbook: An Overview 4
Why Reflection? 5
2 Case Studies of Emotionally Intelligent (and Not Emotionally Intelligent!) Behavior 7
Case Study #1: Why Can’t I Make an A? 7
Case Study #2: 15 Years to Graduate 8
Case Study #3: But I’m Good! 10
Case Study #4: Starting College 11
Case Study #5: Shared Responsibilities 12
Case Study #6: A Costly Decision 13
Case Study #7: First Job Jitters 14
Case Study #8: No Way 15
Case Study #9: Twins? 17
3 Emotional Self-Awareness 19
Worksheet 3.1: Feelings Journal 21
Worksheet 3.2: Hot Buttons 22
Worksheet 3.3: ABCDE Exercise—Th e Impact of Th oughts on
Emotions and Behaviors 24
Worksheet 3.4: Hot Buttons on Reality TV 26
Worksheet 3.5: Positive and Negative Aff ect 27
Worksheet 3.6: Self-Development Plan for Emotional Self-Awareness 28
4 Self-Regard 29
Worksheet 4.1: Who Am I? 31
Worksheet 4.2: Locus of Control Scale (Rotter, 1966) 32
Worksheet 4.3: Positive and Negative Self-Talk 35
Worksheet 4.4: 3600 Feedback 36
Worksheet 4.5: Modern Family 37
Worksheet 4.6: Self-Development Plan for Self-Regard 38
5 Self-Actualization 39
Worksheet 5.1: Who Am I? 41
Worksheet 5.2: Emotions Meter 42
Worksheet 5.3: Quotes, Sayings, and Songs—A Window into You! 43
Worksheet 5.4: Defi ning Your Personal Mission Statement 44
Worksheet 5.5: Th e Amazing Race 45
Worksheet 5.6: Self-Development Plan for Self-Actualization 46
6 Emotional Expression 47
Worksheet 6.1: Observing Emotions 50
Worksheet 6.2: Observing Your Emotions 51
Worksheet 6.3: Follow the Leader 53
Worksheet 6.4: “I” Messages 57
Worksheet 6.5: TV Emotions 60
Worksheet 6.6: Self-Development Plan for Emotional Expression 62
7 Independence 63
Worksheet 7.1: Private Eye 66
Worksheet 7.2: By Yourself 69
Worksheet 7.3: Please Do Th is for Me! 70
Worksheet 7.4: Reality TV—Too Needy, Too Alone, or Just Right? 71
Worksheet 7.5: On My Own 72
Worksheet 7.6: Self-Development Plan for Independence 74
8 Assertiveness 75
Worksheet 8.1: Assertive, Aggressive, or Passive? 78
Worksheet 8.2: It Seems So Easy When Others Do It 80
Worksheet 8.3: Giving Feedback 81
Worksheet 8.4: Controversial Issues 83
Worksheet 8.5: Assertiveness Quiz 84
Worksheet 8.6: Self-Development Plan for Assertiveness 86
9 Interpersonal Relationship 87
Worksheet 9.1: My Favorite Person 90
Worksheet 9.2: Sharing Secrets 92
Worksheet 9.3: Scaling the Intimacy Wall 93
Worksheet 9.4: Beginning a Relationship 94
Worksheet 9.5: Getting Closer 95
Worksheet 9.6: Self-Development Plan for Interpersonal Relationship 96
10 Empathy 97
Worksheet 10.1: What Is Empathy? 99
Worksheet 10.2: Th e Art of Questions 100
Worksheet 10.3: Refl ective Listening 102
Worksheet 10.4: Empathy Assessment 103
Worksheet 10.5: Listening Even When It’s Hard to Do! 106
Worksheet 10.6: Self-Development Plan for Empathy 108
11 Social Responsibility 109
Worksheet 11.1: Doing What’s Right 112
Worksheet 11.2: Cooperation 114
Worksheet 11.3: A Company’s Social Responsibility Policy 115
Worksheet 11.4: My Social Responsibility Policy 116
Worksheet 11.5: Take Action! 117
Worksheet 11.6: Self-Development Plan for Social Responsibility 118
12 Reality Testing 119
Worksheet 12.1: My Big Decision 122
Worksheet 12.2: Th e Mirrors Around You 124
Worksheet 12.3: Failed Reality Testing 126
Worksheet 12.4: Decision-Making Interviews 127
Worksheet 12.5: Reality-Testing Scenarios 128
Worksheet 12.6: Self-Development Plan for Reality Testing 130
13 Problem Solving 131
Worksheet 13.1: What Is My Emotion? 134
Worksheet 13.2: Failed Decisions Revisited 136
Worksheet 13.3: Solving Your Problems 137
Worksheet 13.4: But Can I Really Change My Emotion? 139
Worksheet 13.5: One Fine Day 140
Worksheet 13.6: Self-Development Plan for Problem Solving 141
14 Impulse Control 143
Worksheet 14.1: Marshmallow Cravings 146
Worksheet 14.2: But I Want . . . 147
Worksheet 14.3: Survivor 148
Worksheet 14.4: No Regrets? 149
Worksheet 14.5: Strategies for Success 150
Worksheet 14.6: Self-Development Plan for Impulse Control 151
15 Flexibility 153
Worksheet 15.1: Refl ections About Change 156
Worksheet 15.2: Flexibility Survey 157
Worksheet 15.3: Th e Price of Infl exibility 159
Worksheet 15.4: Stretching Yourself 161
Worksheet 15.5: Flexibility Forecasting 162
Worksheet 15.6: Self-Development Plan for Flexibility 164
16 Stress Tolerance 165
Worksheet 16.1: Identifying Your Stressors 168
Worksheet 16.2: Understanding Why You Get Stressed 169
Worksheet 16.3: Irrational Th inking and Stress 170
Worksheet 16.4: Resources for Coping 172
Worksheet 16.5: Stress Busters 173
Worksheet 16.6: Self-Development Plan for Stress Tolerance 174
17 Optimism 175
Worksheet 17.1: Optimism Begins with Framing 179
Worksheet 17.2: De-motivators—Watch Your Self-Talk 180
Worksheet 17.3: Assessing Your Optimism 182
Worksheet 17.4: Pep Talks and Persistence 184
Worksheet 17.5: Perseverance Defi ned 186
Worksheet 17.6: Self-Development Plan for Optimism 187
18 Happiness 189
Worksheet 18.1: Taking Stock of Your Happiness Level 192
Worksheet 18.2: Laugh a Little, Laugh a Lot 193
Worksheet 18.3: Does Money Buy Happiness? 194
Worksheet 18.4: Well-Being Indicators 195
Worksheet 18.5: Th e Pursuit of Happyness 197
Worksheet 18.6: One Commitment—Self-Development Plan for Happiness 198
References 199
Appendix A KISS Strategies for Improving Emotional Intelligence 201
Appendix B Movie Selections for Learning About Emotional Intelligence 213
Yazar hakkında
KORREL KANOY is professor emeritus of psychology at William Peace University and an educational consultant. HOWARD E. BOOK is an organizational consultant and psychiatrist. He is an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Toronto. STEVEN J. STEIN is a clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems Inc. He is coauthor, with Howard Book, of The EQ Edge .
The book is sponsored by Multi-Health Systems (MHS), which has been publishing psychological assessments for 30 years.