DR LEOPOLD SCHOLTZ is a former journalist and the author of eight books, including the popular The SADF in the Border War and Ratels on the Lomba.
He was deputy editor of Die Burger until 2007 whereafter he headed Media24’s European office in the Netherlands. He retired in 2013, but still regularly writes analyses on international politics and current affairs.
In 1997 Scholtz was recruited in the Reserve Force of the South African National Defence Force where he served as staff officer (captain) at several headquarters. He is a research fellow at Northwest University.
7 Ebooks tarafından Leopold Scholtz
Leopold Scholtz: Die SAW in die Grensoorlog
Wat was die oorsake van die Grensoorlog, hoe dié stryd verloop en wie het dit gewen? Die militêre historikus Leopold Scholtz bied die eerste omvattende blik in meer as twintig jaar op die Suid-Afrika …
Leopold Scholtz: The SADF in the Border War
What led to the Border War, how did it develop – and who won? Military historian Leopold Scholtz offers the first comprehensive analysis in over twenty years of the South African Defence Force’s (SAD …
Leopold Scholtz: Ratels on the Lomba
On 3 October 1987 Charlie Squadron – the iron fist of 61 Mechanised Battalion Group – led the way in a decisive battle on the Lomba River in southern Angola, as part of the South African Defence Forc …
Leopold Scholtz: Ratels aan die Lomba
Op 3 Oktober 1987 het Charlie-eskadron – die ystervuis van 61 Gemeganiseerde Bataljongroep – op die Lombarivier in die suide van Angola teen 'n veel groter Angolese mag met beter wapentuig as hu …
Leopold Scholtz: The SADF and Cuito Cuanavale
‘A shooting war is often followed by a second war. This war is not fought with bullets or artillery shells, not with tanks or bombers, but rather with words. The war is, in effect, fought again on pa …
Leopold Scholtz: Die SAW en Cuito Cuanaval
In 1987–1988 was die stowwerige Angolese dorpie Cuito Cuanavale die toneel van die laaste gevegte van die Grensoorlog. Sedertdien is dit die fokuspunt van ‘n openbare debat oor wie eintlik hierdie oo …
Leopold Scholtz: Terreur en Bevryding
Wie vandag se ANC, sy beleid en regeerstyl wil verstaan, moet feitlik ‘n eeu terug begin delf. ‘n Deel van die antwoord lê in sy verhouding met die Suid-Afrikaanse Kommunistiese Party (SAKP) en die i …