Yazar: Lisa Barnett

Lisa Barnett has devoted her life as a Divine channel of the Akasha, to help people connect to their soul guidance. She is the founder and teacher of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom, an internationally recognized school where students can learn to access their soul wisdom in their Akashic Records, along with numerous healing tools, meditation, and prayer systems. Lisa has taught thousands of students worldwide and has helped to train and certify dozens of Akashic consultants and teachers. Lisa has more than thirty years of experience in the spiritual healing forum and is a master of many healing modalities. Her specialty is empowering individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, health, and ease by helping them align with their soul path and understand their soul”s plan, including soul contracts, karmic patterns, and vows, thereby enabling them to transform with greater ease.

7 Ebooks tarafından Lisa Barnett

Lisa Barnett: Your Soul Has a Plan

You were born with a plan that holds sacred contracts, soul talents, and karmic patterns to ensure you fulfill your life purpose.

Now is the ti …

Lisa Barnett: Akasha
Access Your Journey of Awakening Akasha is the recording of all that exists and now it is yours to embrace. Move outside of time and space and enter the quantum field of the Akasha, where all that ha …
LISA BARNETT: La sabiduría infinita de los registros akásicos
¿Te gustaría tener acceso directo a todos los archivos de tu alma, a los registros akásicos? La sabiduría infinita de los Registros Akásicos es una obra extraordinaria que te ofrece las herramientas …
Lisa Barnett: Tu alma tiene un plan
Naciste con un plan que contiene contratos sagrados, talentos espirituales y patrones kármicos para cumplir con tu propósito vital. ¡Ha llegado el momento de que los descubras! Prepárate para emprend …
Lisa Barnett: Deine Seele hat einen Plan
Entdecken Sie mithilfe der Akasha-Chronik Ihren ganz persönlichen, einzigartigen Seelenplan, der all unsere verborgenen Talente und karmischen Muster enthält! Die spirituelle Weisheitslehrerin Lisa B …