Yazar: Luis Andrés Salas Zambrano

Amanda Janneth Riascos Mora. Psychologist, Specialization in senior management, Master's in Business Psychology. Linked to the GICAEF research group. Currently a professor in the Business Administration program of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – Centro Regional Pasto. Alba Lucy Ortega Salas. Aquaculture Production Engineer, Master's in Administration and Competitiveness, with doctorate studies in Projects. Linked to the GICAEF research group. Currently a professor in the Project Management program of the Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios – Centro Regional Pasto. Luis Andrés Salas Zambrano. Dentist, Specialization in University Teaching, Master's in Epidemiology, linked to the GIOD dental research group. Currently a professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.  Franco Andrés Montenegro Coral. Biologist with emphasis in Ecology, Specialization in Environmental Planning and natural resource management and Specialization in Ecology with emphasis in Environmental Management, Master's in Epidemiology. Linked to the GIISE Faculty of Medicine research group. Currently a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Ángela Roció Mora Caicedo. Sociologist, Specialization in Latin American Studies, Master's in History. Currently a professor in the Sociology program of the Universidad de Nariño. Claudia Andrea Guerrero Martínez. Psychologist, Master's in University Teaching, linked to the GICAEF research group, professor of qualitative research. Currently a research coordinator at the Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios – Centro Regional Pasto. Karen Eugenia Ocaña Figueroa. Industrial designer, Specialization in Furniture Design, Master's in Sustainable Urban and Architectural Design. Currently an assistant professor at the Corporación Unificada de Educación Superior.-CUN. Natalia Villota Benavides. Business administrator, Specialization in e-commerce, Master's in Commercial Management and Marketing. Currently the Nariño regional director of the Corporación Unificada de Educación Superior – CUN. Juan Camilo Fajardo Goyes. Agro-industrial engineer, Specialization in Project Management. Currently the Head of Planning and Effectiveness of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia campus Pasto. Álvaro Mauricio Chamorro Rosero. Lawyer and sociologist, Specialization in Latin American studies, Master's in Anthropology, Ph D in Sociology and Anthropology. Linked to the La Minga research group. Currently a professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia campus Pasto. Ronald Mauricio Urbina Ibarra. Sociologist, Master's in Rural Territorial Development, researcher at the Centro de Investigación y Acción Popular – CEIAP. Currently a researcher at the Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición en Nariño. Ángela Marcela Castillo Burbano. Economist, Master's in Social Sciences with mention in Local and Territorial Development, Ph D in Territorial Development. Linked to the research group in solidarity economy INDESCO, from the Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo. Currently a professor at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia campus Pasto.

1 Ebooks tarafından Luis Andrés Salas Zambrano

Israel Biel Portero & Andrea Carolina Casanova Mejía: Challenges and alternatives towards peacebuilding
Rural development and peacebuilding in Colombia have been highly prioritized by higher education institutions since the signing of the Peace Agreement between the National Government and the FARC-EP. …