Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn is editor of
The Edah Journal—A Forum of Modern Orthodox Thought. He serves as an adjunct professor of Jewish Thought in the Department of Christian-Jewish Studies at Seton Hall University. He was formerly director of Inter-Faith Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League.
John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M., is professor of Social Ethics and director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program at Catholic Theological Union. He has served for many years as a member of the Advisory Committee on Catholic-Jewish Relations of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Currently the president of the International Council of Christians and Jews, he has authored/edited more than fifteen books on Christian-Jewish relations and on social ethics.
1 Ebooks tarafından M. T. S. M. M. Pawlikowski
Eugene B. Korn & John T. Pawlikowski: Two Faiths, One Covenant?
Judaism and Christianity are religions bound together by their claims to the same biblical covenant initiated by God with Abraham and his descendants. Yet, despite the inseparable connection between …