Maria Gonzalez, BCom, MBA, is a 30-year business veteran who believes that Mindfulness transforms lives. As founder and president of Argonauta Strategic Alliances Consulting Inc., she ensures that Mindfulness is indistinguishable from her business, whether negotiating complex strategic alliances, coaching business leaders to use Mindfulness in their lives and businesses or coaching organizations to function more effectively through Mindfulness. She has been meditating regularly since 1991 and teaching Mindfulness since 2002.
Maria has taught Strategy and Organization Develop ment at Mc Gill University”s Desautels Faculty of Management. Over the last two decades she has served on numerous boards and has been a member of the Corporate Advisory Board for the Harvard Medical School – Mac Arthur Foundation”s study on depression and workplace performance. She is a founding member and Vice Chair of the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addictions and Mental Health.
Graham Byron, CFP, has been an Investment Advisor and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for more than 20 years. He has co-authored two other books on financial planning, including the best-selling CARP Financial Planning Guide. Graham believes that applying Mindfulness to money is critical at this turning point in our financial lives. Approaching the financial planning process with calm awareness allows investors to make good decisions and enjoy their wealth.
13 Ebooks tarafından Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez & Graham Byron: The Mindful Investor
The most recent market meltdown saw trillions of dollars disappear from the North American economy, and the financial markets drop more than 44% from their highs. Daily volatility was immense, with s …
Maria Gonzalez & Graham Byron: The Mindful Investor
The most recent market meltdown saw trillions of dollars disappear from the North American economy, and the financial markets drop more than 44% from their highs. Daily volatility was immense, with s …
Maria Gonzalez: Mindful Leadership
Become a true leader through Mindfulness If you thought leading a team or organization meant simply creating and implementing a financial plan, delegating responsibility, and watching the bottom line …
Maria Gonzalez: Mindful Leadership
Become a true leader through Mindfulness If you thought leading a team or organization meant simply creating and implementing a financial plan, delegating responsibility, and watching the bottom line …
Perez y Gonzalez Maria E. Perez y Gonzalez: Puerto Ricans in the United States
Puerto Ricans in the United States begins by presenting Puerto Rico-the land, the people, and the culture. The island’s invasion by U.S. forces in 1898 set the stage for our intertwined relationship …
Bartolo Luque & Fernando Ballesteros: Astrobiología
Este libro nos habla de la Astrobiología, una ciencia que intenta comprender si la vida que conocemos es un accidente extraordinariamente afortunado o, por el contrario, es una especie de imperativo …
Maria Gonzalez: What Do You Do When the Inevitable Happens?
What do you do when the inevitable happens? The best way to answer this; is to share with you what I did. I went to my faith and found my comfort in His written word “The Bible”. Going through my AVM …
María González: Gitarrenschule für Grundschulkinder
Gitarre spielen lernen – Erfolg garantiert! Ob für Grundschüler oder für Erwachsene: Diese kinderleichte Methode -fängt bei null an -macht Spaß -ist leicht umzusetzen -basiert auf zeitgemäßen pädagog …
Maria Gonzalez: Washington Manual Rheumatology Subspecialty Consult
Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual(R) Rheumatology Subspecialty Consult, Third Edition, provides essential information on inpatient and outpatient management of rheumatologic …
MarÍa González: Redes locales
Este libro ofrece al lector los conceptos necesarios para montar una red de forma sencilla. Hace una descripción de los conceptos correspondientes a redes (topologías, medios de transmisión, tipos de …
Sebastián Angos & Nataly Borja: Dolor agudo. Fisiopatología-Diagnóstico-Tratamiento
Los principios de la terapia del dolor han cambiado notablemente desde la aparición de la IASP (Asociación Internacional para el Estudio del Dolor) en 1973. En esa época, se usaban mucho la pentazoci …
Laura Lago: Boss
Ivan took an splendid impression of me. Of an integral slut, I get it. At the bathroom’s hallway, telling my best friend to please rescue me from the worst blind date of my life. On contrary to my &q …
Raymond L. Calabrese & Page A. Smith: Doctoral StudentOs Advisor and Mentor
This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies. The book is a collection of mentoring chapters showcasing professors and dis …