Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the independent sequel to Mariana Stjerna’s well received novel On Angels’ Wings. While the former book is about what happens to us after our physical death, this book discloses the origin of man and what will happen to Earth and humanity when we have passed through the Grand Portal, become wiser, and achieved a higher consciousness.
In his own special way Jan Fridegård continues, through his writing medium Mariana Stjerna, to tell about his missions and adventures on the other side. This time he gets to make a time journey far beyond our own universe.
“It’s time for you to not only visit unknown planets or parts of our infinite beingness. You will travel into what one might call the future. … It will be a mystical journey across all boundaries – I mean technically feasible boundaries, seen from a human perspective. Now you have to throw off all your prejudices and put on a shimmering garment, which brings you into something that you in your wildest dreams could never have imagined, ” said Master Melchizedek when he informed us about the mission. “This journey is a lesson about what the cosmos really is, ” he continued, “or the original cosmology, if you think that sounds better.”
We may, among other things, come along to one of the seven Super Universes, which revolve around a static Central Universe, and make visits to the following cultures of origin: the Mayas, the Maoris, the Incas, the Aztecs, the Sumerians, the Inuits, the Zulus, the Etruscans, the Basques, etc., all of which have been or still are represented on Earth. The book concludes with a visit to the Central Race and the Wing Makers, who are living in a paradise … without violence, female maltreatment, lust for power, or greed.
İçerik tablosu
Mariana’s Introduction
Jan Fridegård’s Introduction
1. The Lonely Planet
2. New Time Journey on Angels’ Wings
Inside the Portal in the Super Universe
3. The Planet of the Mayas
Peculiar Interlude
4. The Maori Culture of Origin
Conversation on a Voyage
5. The Incas and the Aztecs
6. The Sumerians
7. The Bön or Bon Religion in Tibet
8. Minoxor and the Minoans
The Gardens
9. The Hittites
10. The Ancient Egyptians
11. Maorion’s Story
12. Heading for Hunera
13. The Inuits
14. Zuidum and the Zulus
The City of the Slumbering
15. The Etruscans
16. Taoism – The Chinese Original Culture
17. Shinto – The Japanese Original Culture
18. A Leap to the Circassians
A Thought-Provoking Ceremony
19. The Basques
Unusual Research
20. Back to the Central Race
Unforgettable Beingness
The Central Race – Paradise?
21. A Wedding in the Zulu Way
22. Shala’s Story
23. All’s Well … But No End
24. Epilogue
Meditation Exercises
Books by Mariana Stjerna
Yazar hakkında
Mariana Stjerna is a highly respected Swedish channel and author. She has been psychic since childhood and has written several spiritual books both for adults and children. Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the international edition of her Swedish novel Tidsresa till ursprunget och framtiden. Other international releases of hers are The Bible Bluff, The Invisible People, Agartha - The Earth’s Inner World, and Mission Space.