This new edition of one of the premier references for geriatric nurses in hospital, long-term, and community settings delivers current guidelines, real-life case studies, and evidence-based protocols developed by master educators and practitioners. With a focus on improving quality of care, cost-effectiveness, and outcome, the fifth edition is updated to provide the most current information about care of common clinical conditions and issues in older patients. Several new expert contributors present current guidelines about hip fractures, frailty, perioperative and postoperative care, palliative care, and senior-friendly emergency departments. Additionally, chapters have been reorganized to enhance logical flow of content and easy information retrieval.
Protocols, systematically tested by more than 300 participating NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Health system Elders) hospitals‚ are organized in a consistent format and include an overview, evidence-based assessment and intervention strategies, and an illustrative case study with discussion. Additionally, protocols are embedded within chapter text, providing the context and detailed evidence for each. Chapter objectives, annotated references, and evidence ratings for each protocol are provided along with resources for additional study.
New to the Fifth Edition:
- Reorganized to enhance logical flow of information and ease of use
- Updated and revised
- Includes new contributions from expert educators and practitioners
- Provides new chapters on perioperative and postoperative care, general surgical care, care of hip fracture, palliative care, and the senior-friendly emergency department
Key Features:
- Includes Power Points and a test bank for instructors
- Delivers evidence-based, current guidelines and protocols for care of common clinical conditions in the older person
- Illustrates the application of clinical protocols to real-life practice through case studies and discussion
- Edited by nationally known geriatric leaders who are endorsed by the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing and NICHE
- Written for nursing students, nurse leaders, and practitioners at all levels, including those in specialty roles
İçerik tablosu
Incorporating Evidence into Practice
Developing and Evaluating Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Systematic Approach
Rona F. Levin and Susan Kaplan Jacobs
Measuring Performance, Improving Quality Leonard L. Parisi
Assessment and Management Principles
Age-Related Changes in Health Constance M. Smith and Valerie T. Cotter
Health Care Decision Making (Marie to edit this one) Linda Farber Post
Sensory Changes Pamela Z. Cacchione
Assessing Cognitive Function Pieter Heeren, Koen Milisen, and Marquis D. Foreman
Assessment of Physical Function Denise M. Kresevic
Oral Health Care Linda J. O’Connor
Managing Oral Hydration Janet Mentes
Nutrition Rose Ann Di Maria-Ghalili
Family Caregiving Deborah C. Messecar
Issues Regarding Sexuality Elaine Steinke
Mistreatment Detection Billy Caceres and Terry Fulmer
geriatric syndromes
Preventing Functional Decline in the Acute Care Setting
Marie Boltz, Barbara Resnick, and Elizabeth Galik
Depression Glenise Mc Kenzie and Theresa A. Harvath
Delirium: Prevention, Early Recognition, and Treatment Dorothy F. Tullmann, Kathleen
Fletcher, and Marquis D. Foreman
Pain Management Ann L. Horgas, Saunjoo L. Yoon, and Mindy Grall
Preventing Falls in Acute Care Deanna Gray-Miceli and Patricia Quigley
Reducing Adverse Drug Events De Anne Zwicker and Terry Fulmer
Urinary Incontinence Annemarie Dowling-Castronovo and Christine Bradway
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention
Heidi Wald, Regina Fink, Mary Beth Flynn Makic, and Kathy Oman
Physical Restraints and Side Rails in Acute and Critical Care Settings
Cheryl M. Bradas, Satinderpal K. Sandhu, and Lorraine C. Mion
Preventing Pressure Ulcers and Skin Tears Elizabeth A. Ayello and R. Gary Sibbald
Mealtime Difficulties Melissa Aselage and Sarah Crowgey
Excessive Sleepiness Eileen R. Chasens and Mary Grace Umlauf
New chapter Frailty Rebecca Bolton, Marie Boltz
Specialty Practice
Chapter 26 Substance Misuse and Alcohol Use Disorders Madeline Naegle
Chapter 30 Comprehensive Assessment and Management of the Critically Ill
Michele C. Balas, Colleen M. Casey, and Mary Beth Happ
Chapter 31 Fluid Overload: Identifying and Managing Heart Failure Patients Judith Schipper
Chapter 32 Cancer Assessment and Intervention Strategies Janine Overcash
New chapter : Perioperative Care of the Older Adult Larry Slater and Fidel Lim
New chapter : General Surgical Care of the Older Adult Larry Slater and Fidel Lim
New chapter Care of the Older Adult with Hip fracture Anita Meehan, Ami Hommel, Karen Hertz, Valerie Mac Donald and Ann Maher
Models of Care
Chapter 33 Acute Care Models Elizabeth Capezuti, Marie Boltz, and Cynthia J. Nigolian
Chapter 34 Transitional Care Fidelindo Lim, Janice Foust, and Janet Van Cleave
New chapter Palliative Care Connie Dahlin
New chapter The Senior friendly Emergency Department Marie Boltz
Yazar hakkında
De Anne Zwicker, Dr NP, AGNP-BC, is a certified adult nurse practitioner and geriatric nurse practitioner. She is currently working as an independent geriatric consultant.