The most up-to-date, comprehensive resource on silviculture that covers the range of topics and issues facing today’s foresters and resource professionals
The tenth edition of the classic work, The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology, includes the most current information and the results of research on the many issues that are relevant to forests and forestry. The text covers such timely topics as biofuels and intensive timber production, ecosystem and landscape scale management of public lands, ecosystem services, surface drinking water supplies, urban and community greenspace, forest carbon, fire and climate, and much more.
In recent years, silvicultural systems have become more sophisticated and complex in application, particularly with a focus on multi-aged silviculture. There have been paradigm shifts toward managing for more complex structures and age-classes for integrated and complementary values including wildlife, water and open space recreation. Extensively revised and updated, this new edition covers a wide range of topics and challenges relevant to the forester or resource professional today. This full-color text offers the most expansive book on silviculture and:
* Includes a revised and expanded text with clear language and explanations
* Covers the many cutting-edge resource issues that are relevant to forests and forestry
* Contains boxes within each chapter to provide greater detail on particular silvicultural treatments and examples of their use
* Features a completely updated bibliography plus new photographs, tables and figures
The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology, Tenth Edition is an invaluable resource for students and professionals in forestry and natural resource management.
İçerik tablosu
Part 1 Introduction to Silviculture
1 The History and Philosophy of Silviculture
2 Silviculture and its Place in Managing Current Forests and Woodlands
Part 2 Ecological Foundations of Silviculture
3 Ecological Site Classification, Stands as Management Units, and Landscape?]Scale Planning
4 Stand Dynamics: The Ecology of Forest Succession
5 Ecology of Regeneration
Part 3 Methods of Regeneration
6 Development of Silvicultural Systems and Methods of Regeneration
7 Site Treatments
Part 3A Natural Regeneration Methods
8 Natural Regeneration: The Clearcutting Method
9 Natural Regeneration: The Seed?]Tree Method
10 Natural Regeneration: The Shelterwood Method
11 Natural Regeneration: Irregular Seed-Tree and Shelterwood Methods (Multi-Aged Systems)
12 Natural Regeneration: The Coppice Method
13 Natural Regeneration: Selection Methods
Part 3B Methods Based on Artificial Regeneration
14 Species Selection and Genetic Improvement
15 Nursery, Planting, and Seeding Techniques
16 The Arrangement, Composition, and Methods of Planting
Part 4 Post-Establishment (Intermediate) Treatments
17 Tree and Stand Growth
18 Post-Establishment Tools in Silviculture
19 Pruning Methods and Applications
20 Release Operations in Seedling and Sapling Stands
21 Methods of Thinning
22 Quantitative Thinning: Theory and Application
Part 5 Silvicultural Considerations for Managing All Forests
23 Conservation Management Practices
24 Silviculture for Wildlife Habitat
25 Silvicultural Applications to Forest Restoration: Rehabilitation and Reclamation
26 Approaches to and Treatments for Maintaining Healthy Forest Ecosystems
27 Managing Forest Carbon in Changing Climates
Part 6 Silvicultural Applications for Different Land Uses
28 Ecosystem Management: Managing Public Natural Forests for Multiple Values
29 Application of Silviculture to Watershed Management
30 Industrial Timber Management
31 Application of Silviculture to Agroforestry
32 Application of Silviculture to Urban Ecosystems and the Urban-Rural Interface
Common and Scientific Names of Trees and Shrubs Mentioned in the Text
Glossary of Terms
Yazar hakkında
Mark S. Ashton, Morris K. Jesup Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology and Director of School Forests,
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT, USA.
Matthew J. Kelty, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA.