By taking some simple steps now, you can spare your family and beneficiaries a lot of time and money. How much? Probate court proceedings after a death can drag on for a year and cost tens of thousands of dollars–money that would otherwise have gone directly to your loved ones.
8 Ways to Avoid Probate offers easy and effective ways to skip the probate process so that property goes directly to the intended beneficiaries. Using the simple, plain English instructions, you’ll learn how to create a savvy estate plan. Find out about:
naming payable-on-death beneficiaries for financial accounts
owning property jointly
leaving real estate with transfer-on-death deeds
using a living trust
naming the right beneficiaries for IRAs, 401 (k)s, and other retirement plans, and
using probate shortcuts for small estates procedures for small estates.
This (12th) edition provides updates to 50-state rules on probate, including affidavit procedures for small estates and transfer-on-death registration for vehicles and securities.
İçerik tablosu
Introduction: Thinking About Probate Avoidance 1. Set Up Payable-on-Death Accounts 2. Name a Beneficiary for Your Retirement Accounts 3. Name a Beneficiary for Stocks and Bonds 4. Name a Beneficiary for Your Vehicles 5. Name a Beneficiary for Your Real Estate 6. Hold Property in Joint Ownership 7. Create a Living Trust 8. Take Advantage of Special Procedures for Small Estates 9. Make Gifts 10. Putting It All Together Glossary Appendix: State Information Index
Yazar hakkında
Mary Randolph earned her law degree from the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of The Executor’s Guide: Settling Your Loved One’s Estate or Trust, and 8 Ways to Avoid Probate. Randolph is also a coauthor of the legal manual for Quicken Will Maker Plus. She has been a guest on The Today Show and has been interviewed by many publications, including The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and more.