4 Ebooks tarafından Mehdi Maadooliat
G.G Hamedani & Mehdi Maadooliat: Characterizations of Recently Introduced Univariate Continuous Distributions
This monograph is, as far as the authors have gathered, the first one of its kind which presents various characterizations of many important and continuous distributions. It consists of six chapters. …
G.G Hamedani & Mehdi Maadooliat: Sub-Independence
The concept of sub-independence is defined in terms of the convolution of the distributions of random variables, providing a stronger sense of dissociation between random variables than that of uncor …
Susanna Freude & Markus Schubert: Insulin Receptor Substrate Signaling in the Central Nervous System
Recent advance in molecular biology revealed new insights into the function of insulin receptor signaling and insulin receptor substrate (IRS) protein mediated signals in the central nervous system ( …
Eleanor H Bennington: Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research. Volume 2
Cardiovascular disease refers to the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). While the term technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular s …