‘Biometric Security’ presents a comprehensive exploration of how biological markers are transforming mobile device security, moving beyond traditional passwords to more sophisticated authentication methods. The book navigates through the fascinating intersection of human biology and digital security, examining how unique physical characteristics like fingerprints, facial features, and iris patterns can provide both enhanced security and user convenience in modern devices.
Through three main sections, the book builds a thorough understanding of biometric authentication, starting with the biological foundations of various markers and their reliability factors. The narrative then progresses to the technical infrastructure, detailing sensor technology and data processing mechanisms that make biometric recognition possible. The final section tackles broader implications, including privacy concerns and future developments, while incorporating real-world implementation data from major smartphone manufacturers and security institutions.
What sets this book apart is its balanced approach to complex technical content, making it accessible to IT professionals and security specialists while maintaining academic rigor. It draws from multiple disciplines, including computer science, biology, and psychology, while providing practical guidance through case studies and empirical research. The content remains grounded in current commercially available technologies while acknowledging emerging developments, making it an invaluable resource for understanding and implementing modern biometric security systems.