To stay ahead of the competition, today?s organizations must investin ongoing training that continuously improves their employees?knowledge and skills. A Practical Guide to Training and Development is a comprehensive resource that offers atheoretical, strategic, and practical foundation of the entiretraining process. The book outlines a step-by-step approach forassessing, designing, delivering and evaluating training.
İçerik tablosu
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction ix
1 In the Beginning 1
Purpose 1
Overview 1
Defining Terms 2
Identifying the Two Essential Training Elements 2
Changing the Perception of Change 3
Understanding Organizational Change Culture: Force Field Analysis 4
Identifying the Four Stages of Change 6
Role of the Trainer 11
Developing Trainer Competencies 14
No Classroom, No Facilitator, No Change? 19
Career Challenges for the Training Professional 20
Train Effectively or Face the Consequences 20
Common Training Deficiencies 23
Transmissional Not Transformational Learning 26
Effective Training for Minimized Liability 27
2 Aligning Training with Vision, Mission, and Goals 32
Purpose 32
Overview 32
Finding a Formula for Success 33
W. Edwards Deming 34
Peter Drucker 36
Vision, Mission, and Goal Alignment 38
Training’s Supportive Role 41
Determining Training Priorities 43
The Importance of Organizational Goals 43
Barriers to Achieving Goals 47
3 Needs Assessment 49
Purpose 49
Overview 49
Training Wants Versus Training Needs 50
Needs Assessment Frequency 66
Resistance to the Needs Assessment Process 73
Using Needs Assessment Results 74
4 Training Design 81
Purpose 81
Overview 81
Adult Learning Theory: Malcolm Knowles 82
Trainer Challenges and Strategies for Incorporating Adult Learning Concepts 84
Program Design Plan 88
5 Training Delivery 104
Purpose 104
Overview 104
Achieving Training Goals 105
Instructor Competencies: Applicable Research 105
Using Internal and External Resources 109
Classroom Techniques 116
Technology-Assisted Delivery 124
6 Outsourcing: Finding the Right Training Provider 128
Purpose 128
Overview 128
Putting Competencies to Work 129
Finding the Right Training Provider(s) 129
7 Evaluation Part 1: How Did the Training Go? 145
Purpose 145
Overview 145
How Did the Training Go? 146
Evaluating a Training Program: A Case Study 160
8 Evaluation Part 2: Is Training Adding Value? 167
Purpose 167
Overview 167
Determining Training’s Value 168
Learning Analytics 174
Technology-Assisted Evaluation 180
9 Ensuring and Promoting Training Success 187
Purpose 187
Overview 187
Getting Ready to Market 188
References 209
Index 213
About the Author 225
Yazar hakkında
Michael Moskowitz is the founder of Training Q and A Consulting. He has worked with Kaiser Permanente, AT&T, Buck Knives, Dimension One Spas, Sanyo North America, Air Touch Cellular, The Scripps Research Institute, and many more organizations. He is an instructor at University of California San Diego Extension, teaching training and development in the business and management program.