Poet, musician, educator, entrepreneur, and visionary, Miguel Gonzalez began writing poetry in the 4th grade. Born in Los Angeles, California to first generation Colombian parents, he carries forward a legacy of artists and educators. His path through adolescence and teen-hood reflected a common story of busy parents chasing the American dream, and personal battles with American society. Finally discovering the power of education, and his talent for the artistic and academic, he turned his life around. Inspired by the music and culture of his parents” native Colombia, he embarked upon a journey of cultural revival while pursuing his Bachelor”s degree. Today he uses his knowledge of arts and culture to empower youth that are facing the troubles he once faced. Words of Fire is his first manifesto and declaration of consciousness and commitment to uplift the human race.
9 Ebooks tarafından Miguel Gonzalez
Miguel González: Las Grandes Incógnitas
La armona, la paz y la felicidad, solo se logran por una gracia especial que resulta de buenos propsitos, de los buenos proyectos, del trabajo; y de acciones honestas, y humildes que tengan un toque …
Luciano Baracco: Indigenous Struggles for Autonomy
Indigenous Struggles for Autonomy: The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua offers a broad and comprehensive analysis of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast and the process of autonomy that was initiated in 1987 as …
Miguel Gonzalez: Words of Fire
Words of Fire is a sophisticated and unique rendition of society and the human experience through rhythmic poetry. Some poems are short, though most are long. Some content is light, though most is he …
Inés M. del Puerto & Miguel González: Branching Processes and Their Applications
This volume gathers papers originally presented at the 3rd Workshop on Branching Processes and their Applications (WBPA15), which was held from 7 to 10 April 2015 in Badajoz, Spain (http://branc …
Miguel González & Inés M. Puerto: Workshop on Branching Processes and Their Applications
One of the charms of mathematics is the contrast between its generality and its applicability to concrete, even everyday, problems. Branching processes are typical in this. Their niche of mathematics …
Felix Castro & Alexander Gelbukh: Advances in Soft Computing and Its Applications
The two-volume set LNAI 8265 and LNAI 8266 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2013, held in Mexico City, Mexico, in November 20 …
Paul David Tripp: Edad de oportunidad
La discusión sobre quién tendrá el último panecito, o las luchas sobre la ropa que quieren o no quieren ponerse, o la acusación, !Eres la única madre (o padre) que me obliga hacer…! ¿Son molestias …
Mark Dever: Una Iglesia saludable
Una iglesia saludable’ no es un manual instructivo para hacer crecer iglesias. Son las recomendaciones de un pastor sobre cómo evaluar la salud de su iglesia por medio de nueve cualidades cruciales q …
Miguel González: Filosofía de la cruz
Desde el comienzo de su historia, la filosofía ha debido enfrentarse al problema del sufrimiento humano. El cristianismo, por su parte, plantea enormes desafíos al pensamiento, entre los que destaca …