Teaching exam classes carries a weight of responsibility for all teachers. They know that offering their students the best possible education is not about the narrow diet of ‘teaching to the test’, they also know that good test scores and excellent exam results are fundamental. So how do teachers equip their pupils for exam success while at the same time ensuring high standards of teaching and learning?
The Exams, Tests, Revision Pocketbook looks at how to do just that. Rooted fi...
Teaching exam classes carries a weight of responsibility for all teachers. They know that offering their students the best possible education is not about the narrow diet of ‘teaching to the test’, they also know that good test scores and excellent exam results are fundamental. So how do teachers equip their pupils for exam success while at the same time ensuring high standards of teaching and learning?
The Exams, Tests, Revision Pocketbook looks at how to do just that. Rooted firmly in experience and research, this is a practical ‘how to’ Pocketbook aimed at classroom teachers. It provides strategies, activities and techniques for successfully teaching examination classes. Whether those are related to: using time efficiently, cognitive psychology and motivation theory, unpicking great exam technique or exploring the best use of past papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports, they are always accessible and can be readily imported for immediate classroom application.
The Pocketbook is highly illustrated. Cartoons, diagrams and visual prompts support the text and cement the ideas.