Text contributors to SAC JOURNAL No. 2 include: Sanford Kwinter, Daniel Birnbaum, Maraike Bückling, Sebastian Oschatz, Mathias Wollin, Peter Trummer, Mirco Becker and Johan Bettum.
SAC JOURNAL is a publication series that addresses topical issues within architecture. The journal documents, critically reviews and also presents theoretical discussions concerning contemporary design and research. The content of SAC JOURNAL is produced by invited contributors and students and faculty at the Städelschule Architecture Class.
6 Ebooks tarafından Mirco Becker
Mirco Becker: Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den Personalbedarf und die Qualifikation von Servicemitarbeitern der Sparkassen
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich BWL – Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Note: 1, 4, Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg Mosbach (Sparkasse), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wie beispielsweise die …
Mirco Becker: Technische Aktienanalyse als Ergänzung zu anderen Investmentstrategien. Eine empirische Untersuchung ausgewählter Instrumente der Charttechnik
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich BWL – Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Note: 1, 6, Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg Mosbach, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Eine wichtige Analyseform stellt d …
Sanford Kwinter & Daniel Birnbaum: SAC Journal 2
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, presents three projects de- signed at SAC during the last eight years. The three projects are: The Theatre …
Ben van Berkel & Johan Bettum: A New Manifold
A NEW MANIFOLD, the inaugural issue of SAC JOURNAL, addres- ses the increased specialisation and possible fragmentation of ex- pertise within architecture. Whilst historically always an amalgam of nu …
Ben van Berkel & Johan Bettum: A New Manifold
A NEW MANIFOLD, the inaugural issue of SAC JOURNAL, addres- ses the increased specialisation and possible fragmentation of ex- pertise within architecture. Whilst historically always an amalgam of nu …
Sanford Kwinter & Daniel Birnbaum: SAC Journal 2
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, presents three projects de- signed at SAC during the last eight years. The three projects are: The Theatre …