A cross-disciplinary anthology on contemporary Kashmir by academics from Jammu and Kashmir, the first such volume to appear. The book offers a panorama of key cultural concerns of Jammu and Kashmir today, incorporating analysis of military, cultural, religious, and social aspects of the society and polity.
İçerik tablosu
PART I: CONSTRUCTIONS OF KASHMIRI IDENTITY WITHIN THE OVERLAPPING DISCOURSES OF KASHMIRIYAT, ISLAM, SAIVISM, SUFISM Evolution of my Identity vis-à-vis Islam and Kashmir – Mohammad Ishaq Khan Kashmiriyat: The Voice of the Past Misconstrued – Rattan Lal Hangloo PART II: CULTURAL SYNCRETISM AND DECONSTRUCTION OF A MONOLITHIC CULTURE Mystical Thought of Kashmir – M. H. Zaffar Syncretic Tradition and the Creative Life—Some Kashmiri Mystic Poets – Neerja Mattoo PART III: CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SOVEREIGNTY , DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE, AND REGIONAL STABILITY Democracy and Governance in Kashmir – Noor Ahmad Baba Political Assertion of Kashmiri Identity – Gull Mohammad Wani Kashmir in the Indian Project of Nationalism – Rekha Chowdhary PART IV: SOCIOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF CONFLICT, INSURGENCY, COUNTER INSURGENCY, MILITARIZATION, AND A MONOLITHIC NATIONALISM Sociological Dimensions and Implications of the Kashmir Problem – Bashir Ahmed Dabla PART V: REPRESENTATIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION Politics of Exclusion – Hameeda Naeem
Yazar hakkında
NOOR AHMAD BABA Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Kashmir University REKHA CHOWDHARY Professor of Political Science at the University of Jammu BASHIR AHMAD DABLA Professor and former chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Kashmir, Srinagar RATTAN LAL HANGLOO Chair of the Department of History and Chief Proctor at the University of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India MOHAMMAD ISHAQ KHAN Former Professor, Head of the History Department, and Shaikhu’l-‘Alam Chair at Kashmir University NYLA ALI KHAN Teaches at the University of Oklahoma NEERJA MATTOO Professor emeritus and former Principal and Head of the Department of English at the Government College for Women, Maulana Azad Road, Srinagar, Kashmir HAMEEDA NAEEM Associate Professor of English, University of Kashmir, Srinagar GULL MOHAMMAD WANI Senior Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar M. H. ZAFFAR Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar