NOTA BIOGRÁFICA de NICK SWEET El thriller de Nick, The Long Siesta (publicado el 5 de septiembre de 2015, por Grey Cells, en la colección novelas de misterio de Holland House), recibió excelentes críticas de algunos de los principales escritores de thrillers (entre ellos Caro Ramsay, Paul Johnston, Mason Cross, Nicholas Blincoe, Howard Linskey etc.). También se han publicado reseñas elogiosas en el Huffington Post, Crime Time Magazine (de Barry Forshaw), Linda”s Book Bag, entre otros (ver más adelante). El relato de Nick They All Love Jack integró una antología de ficción breve sobre el tema de Jack el Destripador en noviembre de 2015 (editada por Maxim Jakubowski y publicada en noviembre por Little Brown en el Reino Unido, y en diciembre por Running Press en los EE.UU.). Otro de los relatos de Nick, Trouble In Seville, cuyo protagonista principal es el Inspector Velasquez, fue seleccionado por el sitio web de la Asociación de Escritores del Crimen (, como Relato de la Semana el 13 de enero de 2015; y recientemente Nick fue invitado a participar, con un relato suyo, en una nueva antología, publicada en 2016, y que contó con la participación de algunos de los más famosos escritores de relatos de crímenes.
20 Ebooks tarafından Nick Sweet
Nick Sweet: Bad in Bardino
After private investigator Art Blakey is hired to find Gisela – the sister of femme fatale Inge Schwartz – dead bodies start to accumulate at an alarming pace. When Art discovers a shocking link to t …
Nick Sweet: Bad in Bardino
After private investigator Art Blakey is hired to find Gisela – the sister of femme fatale Inge Schwartz – dead bodies start to accumulate at an alarming pace. When Art discovers a shocking link to t …
Nick Sweet: Ways of the West
After three desperadoes ride into the town of Monkford and hold a congregation at gunpoint, a shootout ensues. With the Minister’s wife dead and one of the criminals wounded, they make their escape t …
Nick Sweet: Young Hearts
Right after the outbreak of the First World War, Michael falls in love with Phoebe after dancing with her at the college ball. What he doesn’t know is that Phoebe is already in love with another man, …
Nick Sweet: Switch
After stealing a famous Rembrandt painting, Terry learns that his daughter Angie has been kidnapped… and the canvas is the ransom. But Terry has his own ideas on how to get his daughter back. A mas …
Nick Sweet: Lo Scambio
Dopo aver rubato un famoso dipinto di Rembrandt, Terry viene a sapere che sua figlia Angie è stata rapita… e il dipinto è il riscatto. Ma Terry ha un’idea su come riavere indietro sua figlia. Essendo …
Nick Sweet: Flowers at Midnight
Leader of the opposition, Sir Alex Bolton, is being blackmailed. After dancer Bella takes pictures of him with a spy camera, people in high places plan to make sure that nothing prevents Sir Alex fro …
Nick Sweet: Switch – Gefährliches Spiel
Nachdem er einen berühmten Rembrandt gestohlen hat, erfährt Terry, dass seine Tochter Angie entführt wurde… und das Gemälde ist die Lösegeldforderung. Aber Terry hat seine eigenen Pläne, seine Toch …
Nick Sweet: Solitários
Uma jovem estudante de cinema, Joanne, está caminhando pelas ruas de Londres, fazendo um documentário, quando ela acidentalmente filma dois homens forçando um terceiro homem a entrar em um carro. O t …
Nick Sweet: Intriga en Bardino
Después de que el detective privado Art Blakey sea contratado para encontrar a Gisela, la hermana de la seductora Inge Schwartz, los cadáveres comienzan a acumularse a un ritmo alarmante. Cuando Art …
Nick Sweet: A Troca
Depois de roubar uma famosa pintura de Rembrandt, Terry fica sabendo que sua filha Angie foi sequestrada… e que a tela é o resgate. Mas Terry tem um plano para reaver sua filha. Um mestre falsário …
Nick Sweet: Ways of the West
After three desperadoes ride into the town of Monkford and hold a congregation at gunpoint, a shootout ensues. With the Minister’s wife dead and one of the criminals wounded, they make their escape t …
Nick Sweet: Young Hearts
Right after the outbreak of the First World War, Michael falls in love with Phoebe after dancing with her at the college ball. What he doesn’t know is that Phoebe is already in love with another man, …
Nick Sweet: Flowers at Midnight
Leader of the opposition, Sir Alex Bolton, is being blackmailed. After dancer Bella takes pictures of him with a spy camera, people in high places plan to make sure that nothing prevents Sir Alex fro …
Nick Sweet: Intriga en Bardino
Después de que el detective privado Art Blakey sea contratado para encontrar a Gisela, la hermana de la seductora Inge Schwartz, los cadáveres comienzan a acumularse a un ritmo alarmante. Cuando Art …
Nick Sweet: Perigo em Bardino
Depois que o detetive particular Art Blakey é contratado para encontrar a irmã desaparecida de Inge Schwartz, a femme fatale, os corpos começam a se acumular em um ritmo alarmante. Quando Art descobr …
Nick Sweet: The Mystery Quartet
A collection of four crime novels by Nick Sweet, now available in one volume! Bad in Bardino : After private investigator Art Blakey is hired to find the sister of femme fatale Inge Schwartz, bodies …
Nick Sweet: Forgotten Times
A collection of three historical novels by Nick Sweet, now available in one volume! One Flesh : Brothers Owein and Selwyn live in a small Welsh mining village in the early 1980s. Owein falls in love …