5 Ebooks tarafından Paolo Girardi
Paolo Girardi & David Lester: Antidepressants Therapy and Risk of Suicide among Patients with Major Depressive Disorders
Most cases of suicide (81%-95%) in the general population involve psychiatric illnesses, nearly half of which (48.5%) are mood disorders. Internationally, the overall average suicide rate has been ri …
Roberto Brugnoli & Antonio Del Casale: Sleep Medicine
The study of phenomena that occur during sleep has always aroused a great interest in various fields of human knowledge, both in religion and in philosophy, as well as in science. Hippocrates and Ari …
Leon V Berhardt: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 32
This continuing series gathers and presents original research results on the leading edge of medicine and biology. Each article has been carefully selected in an attempt to present substantial topica …
Zhongwen Liang & Bibao Zhang: Medicine Research Summaries. Volume 19 (with Biographical Sketches)
This book is a continuation of the book Medicine Researcher Biographical Sketches and Research Summaries which compiles biographical sketches of top professionals in the field of medicinal research, …
Paolo Girardi & Maurizio Pompili: Manuale di suicidologia
Il suicidio è un importante problema che riguarda la sanità pubblica mondiale e la prevenzione del fenomeno sta ricevendo un’attenzione sempre maggiore anche in nazioni ove i tassi di suicidio sono m …