In the new edition of this definitive work on the history of the revolutionary socialist current in the United States that came to be identified as ‘American Trotskyism, ‘ Paul Le Blanc offers fresh reflections on this history for scholars and activists in the twenty-first century. Includes a preface written especially for the new edition of this distinctive work.
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of History at La Roche College and author of Choice Award–winning book A Freedom Budget for All Americans.
İçerik tablosu
1. Trotskyism in the United States: The First Fifty Years
2. The Liberating Influence of the Transitional Program
3. George Novack, 1905-92: Meaning a Life
1. Leninism in the United States and the Decline of American Trotskyism
2. From the Old Left to the New Left and Beyond: The Legacy and Prospects for Socialism in the United States.
3. The End of “American Trotskyism”? Problems in History and Theory
Yazar hakkında
Alan Wald: Among Alan Wald’s widely acclaimed writings is The New York Intellectuals (1987).
Paul Le Blanc: Paul Le Blanc is a professor of History at La Roche College, has written on and participated in the U.S. labor, radical and civil rights movements, and is author of such books as Marx, Lenin and the Revolutionary Experience, and Lenin and the Revolutionary Party.
George Breitman: George Breitman (1916-86) edited internationally influential volumes of works by Malcolm X and Leon Trotsky.