Con?gurational mechanics has attracted quite a bit of attention from various – search ?elds over the recent years/decades. Having been regarded in its infancy of the early years as a somewhat obscureand almost mystic ?eld of researchthat could only be understood by a happy few of insiders with a pronounced theoretical inc- nation, con?gurational mechanics has developed by now into a versatile tool that can be applied to a variety of problems. Since the seminal works of Eshelby a general notion of con?gurational – chanics has been developed and has successfully been applied to many pr- lems involving various types of defects in continuous media. The most pro- nent application is certainly the use of con?gurational forces in fracture – chanics. However, as con?gurational mechanics is related to arbitrary mat- ial inhomogeneities it has also very successfully been applied to many ma- rials science and engineering problems such as phase transitions and inelastic deformations. Also the modeling of materials with micro-structure evolution is an important ?eld, in which con?gurational mechanics can provide a better understanding of processes going on within the material. Besides these mechanically, physically, and chemically motivated applications, ideas from con?gurational mechanics are now increasingly applied within computational mechanics.
İçerik tablosu
On Discontinuities of Material Momentum and Eshelby Stress in Hyperelasticity and Thermoelasticity.- On a Constraint-Based Regularization Technique for Configurational r-Adaptivity and 3D Shape Optimization.- Some New Properties of the Eshelby Stress Tensor.- On Configurational Aspects of Finite Deformation Inelasticity: A Variational Approach Versus the Transformation of Balance of Momentum.- Configurational Forces Derived from the Total Variation of the Rate of Global Dissipation.- On Crack Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials with Material Forces.- Momentum and Material Momentum in Superconductors.- Dislocations, Microforce and Micromomentum in Second Order Finite Elasto-Plasticity.- A Variational Framework for Dual Solutions in the Physical and Material Space.- On the Nonlocal Symmetries, Group Invariant Solutions and Conservation Laws of the Equations of Nonlinear Dynamical Compressible Elasticity.- Configurational Forces in the Theory of Two-Phase Plates.- On Configurational Formulations in the Director Theory of Rods.- Macroscopic Elasticity of Nanoporous Silicon: Bulk and Surface Effects.- Internal Variables and Generalized Continuum Theories.- Stratified Energies: Ground States with Cracks.- Crack Curving Based on Configurational Forces and Their Gradients.- Anisotropic Elasticity of Grade Three: Conservation and Balance Laws.- Evaluation of Crack-Driving Forces at Finite Viscoelasticity: Theory and Experiment.- On Configurational Forces within Green—Naghdi Thermo-Hyperelasticity.- Translational Conservation and Balance Laws in the Gauge Theory of Dislocations.- Configurational Forces in Continuous Theories of Elastic Ferroelectrics.- A Variationally Consistent Approach for Crack Propagation Based on Configurational Forces.- Computational Homogenizationof Defect Driving Forces.- On the Computation of Configurational Forces in Anisotropic Hyperelastic Solids.