Dr. Peter Cochran is editor of the Newstead Byron Society Review, editor of Byron”s works and correspondence for the website of the International Byron Society, and a writer and lecturer on Byron.
22 Ebooks tarafından Peter Cochran
Peter Cochran: "Romanticism" – and Byron
"Romanticism – and Byron" is a book in two parts. In the first part, Dr Cochran examines "Romanticism" and shows that it is a word meaning anything, and therefore nothing. It is a …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Hobby-O
Byron and Hobby-O is about the relationship between Byron and his supposed best friend, John Cam Hobhouse. It is the first full-length biographical study of Hobhouse in over fifty years, and is much …
Peter Cochran: Byron’s Religions
Byron’s Religions is the most comprehensive study yet of the poet’s deep, diverse and eclectic attitude to religion. The articles, by several well-known and distinguished scholars, cover many of his …
Peter Cochran: Farmer’s Boy by Robert Bloomfield
Robert Bloomfield’s The Farmer’s Boy was the most successful poem of the "Romantic" period, selling 100, 000 copies between 1800 and 1830. However, what was marketed was not the poem which …
Peter Cochran: Small-Screen Shakespeare
Small-Screen Shakespeare is a guide to all the Shakespeare productions available for viewing on computer or TV. From Beerbohm Tree’s silent scene from King John, to Helen Mirren as Prospera and Simon …
Peter Cochran: Burning of Byron’s Memoirs
The Burning of Byron’s Memoirs is a collection of new and uncollected essays, and papers given at many conferences over a two-decade period. They cover many aspects of Byron’s life and work, includin …
Peter Cochran: Manfred
The play Manfred is one of Byron’s most famous and influential works. It established him throughout Europe as a bold, blasphemous genius. It inspired music by Tchaikovsky and Schumann, and was admire …
Peter Cochran: Byron, Napoleon, J.C. Hobhouse, and the Hundred Days
Napoleon was, after his defeat at Leipzig, "granted" the island of Elba to rule. He soon found this unsatisfactory, and, early in 1815, left for the south of France, and marched on Paris to …
Peter Cochran: Gothic Byron
The Gothic Byron examines in detail the Gothic element in Byron’s work, arguing that it has traditionally been undervalued. It looks closely at his reading in the novels of Ann Radcliffe, Monk Lewis, …
Shona M. Allan & Peter Cochran: Byron at the Theatre
Byron at the Theatre is a collection of essays by a wide spectrum of European scholars, dealing with Byron’s dramas in a variety of ways. It starts with a long and detailed introduction on Byron and …
Lord Byron: Lord Byron
Lord Byron remains, as he was to many of his contemporaries, the defining personality of his age and time, the quintessential late-Romantic: one whose life matched the freedom of imagination and poss …
Peter Cochran: Byron in London
BYRON IN LONDON is a collection of essays by leading authorities on Byron, charting both his life in London and his writings about the capital. Byron emerges from the different perspectives given as …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Orientalism
Of all the English Romantic poets Byron is often thought of as the one who was most familiar with the East. His travels, it is claimed, give him a huge advantage with which contemporaries like Southe …
Peter Cochran: Poland’s Angry Romantic
Juliusz Slowacki is one of Poland’s most important writers, but his poetry and plays are little known in the West. This book provides a long-overdo, much-needed introduction to him. It contains his p …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Bob
Byron and Bob is the first book ever to be dedicated to the most important literary relationship in Byron’s career – that with the Poet Laureate, Robert Southey, whom he hated, and to whom he "d …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Women [and men]
Byron and Women [and men] is a compilation of new biographical and literary essays, examining the poet’s bisexuality and the ways in which it affected his poetry and drama. Areas covered are Byron an …
Peter Cochran: Byron’s Romantic Politics
Byron exists in two incompatible dimensions: as fully-documented history, and as romantic myth. Often the myth predominates, describing him as a passionate lover, a staunch friend, a great romantic p …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Italy
Byron and Italy tackles a subject to which no book has been devoted exclusively since the early 1940s. Peter Cochran writes not just about Byron’s relationships with Italian literature, not just abou …
Peter Cochran: Byron’s Poetry
Byron’s dubious status as a sex object, and his even more dubious status as a political icon, serves to disguise the fact that he is one of the greatest of all English poets, with a European reputati …
Peter Cochran: Byron and Latin Culture
Byron and Latin Culture consists of twenty-three papers, most of which were given at the 37th International Byron Conference at Valladolid, Spain, in July 2011.An introduction by the editor describes …
Peter Cochran: Aspects of Byron’s Don Juan
Aspects of Byron’s Don Juan is, in part, a proceedings volume from the 2012 conference held by the Newstead Byron Society at Nottingham Trent University. Speakers represented in the book include Malc …
Peter Cochran: Byron’s European Impact
The works of Lord Byron and his friend Sir Walter Scott had an influence on European literature which was immediate and profound. Peter Cochran’s book charts that influence on France, Germany, Italy, …