İçerik tablosu
Part 1 Wheat physiology and breeding
1.Wheat genetic resources: global conservation and use for the future: P. Bramel, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Germany;
2.Sequencing and assembly of the wheat genome: Kellye Eversole and Jane Rogers, International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, USA; Beat Keller, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Rudi Appels, Murdoch University, Australia; Catherine Feuillet, Bayer Crop Science, USA;
3.Advances in wheat breeding techniques: Alison R. Bentley and Ian Mackay, NIAB, UK;
4.Improving the uptake and assimilation of nitrogen in wheat plants: Jacques Le Gouis, INRA, France and Malcolm Hawkesford, Rothamsted Research, UK;
5.Photosynthetic improvement of wheat plants: Martin A. J. Parry, João Paulo Pennacchi, Luis Robledo-Arratia and Elizabete Carmo-Silva, Lancaster University, UK; and Luis Robledo-Arratia, University of Cambridge, UK;
6.Improving drought and heat tolerance in wheat: Xinguo Mao, Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China; Delong Yang, College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, China; and Ruilian Jing, Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China;
7.Advances in cold-resistant wheat varieties: D.Z. Skinner, USDA-ARS, USA;
Part 2 Wheat nutritional and processing quality;
8.Genetic and other factors affecting wheat quality: A. S. Ross, Oregon State University, USA;
9.Measuring wheat quality: Ian Batey, formerly CSIRO, Australia;
10.The nutritional and nutraceutical value of wheat: Victoria Ndolo and Trust Beta, University of Manitoba, Canada;
Part 3 Wheat diseases, pests and weeds
11.Wheat diseases: an overview: Albrecht Serfling, Doris Kopahnke, Antje Habekuss, Flutur ë Novakazi and Frank Ordon, Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance, Germany;
12.Advances in control of wheat rusts: Z. A. Pretorius, University of the Free State, South Africa; M. Ayliffe, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia; R. L. Bowden, ARS-USDA, USA; L. A. Boyd, National Institute of Agricultural Botany, UK; R. M. De Pauw, Advancing Wheat Technologies, Canada; Y. Jin, ARS-USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory, USA; R. E. Knox, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; R. A. Mc Intosh and R. F. Park, University of Sydney, Australia; R. Prins, Cen Gen and University of the Free State, South Africa; E. S. Lagudah, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia;
13.Advances in control of wheat diseases: Fusarium head blight, wheat blast and powdery mildew: Hermann Buerstmayr, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria; Volker Mohler, Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Germany; and Mohan Kohli, Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Paraguay;
14.Advances in disease-resistant wheat varieties: James Anderson, University of Minnesota, USA;
15.Recent molecular technologies for tackling wheat diseases: Indu Sharma, Pramod Prasad and Subhash C. Bhardwaj, ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, India;
16.Integrated wheat disease management: Stephen N. Wegulo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA;
17.Wheat pests: introduction, rodents and nematodes: Marion O. Harris North Dakota State University, USA; Jens Jacob, Julius Kühn-Institut; Peter Brown, CSIRO, Australia; and Guiping Yan, North Dakota State University, USA;
18.Wheat pests: insects, mites, and prospects for the future: Marion O. Harris and Kirk Anderson, North Dakota State University, USA; Mustapha El-Bouhssini, ICARDA, Morocco; Frank Peairs, Colorado State University, USA; Gary Hein, University of Nebraska, USA; and Steven Xu, USDA-ARS Northern Crops Institute, USA;
19.The impact of climate change on wheat insect pests: current knowledge and future trends: Sanford D. Eigenbrode, University of Idaho, USA and Sarina Macfadyen, CSIRO, Australia;
20.Integrated pest management in wheat cultivation: Abie Horrocks and Melanie Davidson, The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, New Zealand; and Paul Horne and Jessica Page, IPM Technologies Pty Limited, Australia;
21.Integrated weed management in wheat cultivation: K. Neil Harker and John O’Donovan, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; and Breanne Tidemann, University of Alberta, Canada;