This book analyzes Nancy Chodorow’s canonical book The Reproduction of Mothering, bringing together an original essay from Nancy Chodorow and a host of outstanding international scholars—including Rosemary Balsam, Adrienne Harris, Elizabeth Abel, Madelon Sprengnether, Ilene Philipson, Meg Jay, Daphne de Marneffe, Alison Stone and Petra Bueskens—in a mix of memoir, festschrift, reflection, critical analysis and new directions in Chodorowian scholarship. In the 40 years since its ...
İçerik tablosu
1.Introduction: The Reproduction of Mothering Turns Forty.– 2. Women Mother Daughters: The Reproduction of Mothering after Forty Years.- 3. The Reproduction of ...
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Petra Bueskens is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Australia and a psychotherapist in private practice.