Yazar: Philip Gibbs

Patrick Becker, Dr. theol., geb. 1976, Professurvertreter für Systematische Theologie an der RWTH Aachen. Steffen Jöris, Dr. phil., geb. 1986, Akademischer Oberrat für Biblische Theologie an der RWTH Aachen. Annette Meuthrath, PD Dr. phil M.A., geb. 1958, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für Religionswissenschaften an der RWTH Aachen und Asien-Referentin am Missionswissenschaftlichen Institut im missio e.V. Aachen. Prof. Dr. theol., geb. 1972 in Italien, Studium der katholischen Theologie in Florenz, Rom und Wien. Professor für Biblische Theologie an der RWTH Aachen. Autor zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Bücher, unter anderem über Qumran und skurrile Episoden in der Kirchengeschichte. Auch auf Science Slams begeisterte er schon ein großes Publikum. Christian Blumenthal, geb. 1979, Dr. theol., Studium der Katholischen Theologie und der Sprachen des christlichen Orients (vornehmlich Koptisch, Armenisch und Syrisch) an der Universität Bonn und am Päpstlichen Bibelinstitut in Rom, 2006 Diakon, 2007 Priester. Martin Breul, geb. 1986, Dr. phil. Dr. theol., Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt “Die theologische Relevanz von Michael Tomasellos evolutionärer Anthropologie” am Institut für Katholische Theologie der Universität zu Köln. Studium der Kath. Theologie, Philosophie und Anglistik in Köln, Belfast und Münster. Promotion zum Dr. phil. an der Universität zu Köln, Promotion zum Dr. theol. an der Universität Bonn. Wolfgang Kubin, Prof. Dr., geb. 1945, lehrt Sinologie in Bonn. Er ist der Herausgeber der zehnbändigen “Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur” und zählt zu den bedeutendsten westlichen Sinologen und Übersetzern aus dem Chinesischen. Er ist Täger des Staatspreises der VR China.

17 Ebooks tarafından Philip Gibbs

Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. IN this book I …
Philip Gibbs: Battles of the Somme
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In this book I …
Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told (WWI Centenary Series)
‘In this book I have written about some aspects of the war which, I believe, the world must know and remember, not only as a memorial of men’s courage in tragic years, but as a warning of what will …
Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told
Written by a British war correspondent who was present in and around the front lines of the western front for the entirety of WWI, the title refers to the fact that his writings here are published …
Philip Gibbs: The Soul of the War
Gibbs reviews the true horror of man, the true horror of war. In this book he spends much time revealing the sacrifices, heartaches and unimaginable horrors that the French and the Belgians had to …
Philip Gibbs: The Middle of the Road / A Novel
If you want to learn about the 1921 state of public affairs in Europe, this is a quite remarkable book! It is also a fairly interesting tale of the estrangement of a young war veteran from his …
Philip Gibbs: NOW IT CAN BE TOLD – A War Observer’s Illumination Bomb
“ In this book I have written about some aspects of the war which, I believe, the world must know and remember, not only as a memorial of men’s courage in tragic years, but as a warning of what will …
Philip Gibbs: Soul of the War
Sir Philip Gibbs (1877-1962) served as one of five official British reporters during the First World War. Born in London the son of a civil servant, Gibbs received a home education and determined at …
Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told
Now It Can Be Told contains aspects of the war the world must know and remember, not only as a memorial of men’s courage in tragic years, but as a warning of what will happen again-surely-if a …
Philip Gibbs & Edward G. D. Liveing: Walking Into Hell
The 1st July 1916 was the blackest day in the history of the British Army when 60, 000 unsuspecting men of the British 4th Army advanced into the teeth of a hurricane of German fire. This …
Philip Gibbs & Edward G. D. Liveing: Walking Into Hell
The 1st July 1916 was the blackest day in the history of the British Army when 60, 000 unsuspecting men of the British 4th Army advanced into the teeth of a hurricane of German fire. This …
Patrick Becker & Steffen Jöris: Die Seele
Nachdem die Seele lange eine zentrale Rolle bei der Bestimmung des Menschen eingenommen hat, ist sie in der Moderne weitgehend aus der westlichen Theorienlandschaft verschwunden. Der Band geht diesem …
Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Published in 1920, this raw, angry, but keenly observed memoir details the author’s experiences as a World War I correspondent embedded with the troops of his native Britain.  Replete with hor …
Philip Gibbs: The Soul Of The War
British writer Philip Gibbs wrote a book of articles titled "The Soul of the War" during in World War I. The book gives a vivid and first-person description of how the conflict played out. …
Philip Gibbs: Behind the Curtain
In a gripping tale of love, loyalty, and the search for truth, a young Russian interpreter navigates the complexities of life during the tumultuous years following World War II. Born to an English mo …
Philip Gibbs: Now It Can Be Told
Now It Can Be Told by Philip Gibbs is a memoir. The genre is war journalism and memoir. Philip Gibbs, a British journalist and one of five officially sanctioned war correspondents during World War I, …