Yazar: Pocket Classic


144 Ebooks tarafından Pocket Classic

Alcott, Louisa May & Jane Austen: 50 Masterpieces you have to read
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Novels Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane: Emma Balzac, Hon …
William Shakespeare & Pocket Classic: Shakespeare: The Complete Collection
This collection gathers together the works by William Shakespeare in a single, convenient, high quality, and extremely low priced Kindle volume! It comes with 150 original illustrations which are the …
Plato & Pocket Classic: Plato: The Complete Works (31 Books)
Plato was a philosopher in Ancient Greece. He was an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution o …
Lucius Annaeus Seneca & Pocket Classic: Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
As chief advisor to the emperor Nero, Lucius Annaeus Seneca was most influential in ancient Rome as a power behind the throne. His lasting fame derives from his writings on Stoic ideology, in which p …
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Pocket Classic: Fyodor Dostoyevsky: The Complete Novels
This book contains the complete novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky in the chronological order of their original publication. Poor Folk The Double Notes From The Underground Crime and Punishment The Gambler …
Leo Tolstoy & Pocket Classic: Leo Tolstoy: The Complete Novels and Novellas
Here you will find the complete novels and novellas of Leo Tolstoy in the chronological order of their original publication. – Childhood – Boyhood – Youth – Family Happiness – The Cossacks – War and …
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy & Pocket Classic: War and Peace
Iin the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Hailed as one of the greatest novels of all time and a classic of world literature, War and Peace unfolds in the early nineteenth centu …
Franz Kafka & Pocket Classic: The Metamorphosis
​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella written by Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. One of Kafka’s best- …
Francis Scott Fitzgerald & Mary Shelley: 100 Clásicos de la Literatura
Revisados y actualizados, contienen un índice de contenidos al inicio del libro que permite acceder a cada tíltulo de forma fácil y directa. El retrato de Dorian Gray por Oscar Wilde – Mujercitas por …
Charles W. Eliot & Pocket Classic: The Complete Harvard Classics 2022 Edition – ALL 71 Volumes
( newly updated TOC ) The Harvard Universal Classics, originally known as Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf, is a 51-volume anthology of classic works from world literature, compiled and edited by Harvard …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: A Tale of Two Cities
The French Revolution comes to vivid life in Charles Dickens’s famous novel about the best of times and the worst of times… The storming of the Bastille…the death carts with their doomed human carg …
Liev N. Tolstói & Pocket Classic: Anna Karénina
En ‘Ana Karenina’, novela publicada en 1877, León Tolstoi desmenuza las frivolidades y las enfermizas pasiones del zarismo en contraposición al personaje femenino que da título a la novela. Sobre la …
Leo Tolstoy & Pocket Classic: Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy All Books have been formatted for ereaders and devices and include a bonus link to the free audio book. ‘All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in i …
Anne Brontë & Charlotte Brontë: The Brontë Sisters: The Complete Novels
Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) This book contains the complete novels of the Brontë Sisters: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë The Te …
Napoleon Hill & Pocket Classic: The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons
Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill’s self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 princi …
F. Scott Fitzgerald & Pocket Classic: The Complete Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles yo …
Andre Norton & Murray Leinster: The Science Fiction Anthology
This collection brings together some of the most incredible sci-fi stories ever told in one convenient, high-quality, Kindle volume! This book now contains several HTML tables of contents that will m …
Jane Austen & Pocket Classic: Pride and Prejudice
Since its immediate success in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has remained one of the most popular novels in the English language. Jane Austen called this brilliant work ‘her own darling child’ and its vi …
Virginia Woolf & Pocket Classic: Virginia Woolf: The Complete Works
THE NOVELS The Voyage Out (1915) Night and Day (1919) Jacob’s Room (1922) Mrs. Dalloway (1925) To the Lighthouse (1927) The Waves (1931) The Years (1937) Between the Acts (1941) THE ‘BIOGRAPHIES’ Orl …
Hermann Hesse & Pocket Classic: Siddhartha
Siddhartha is an allegorical novel by Hermann Hesse which deals with the spiritual journey of an Indian boy called Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha. The book was written in German, in a simpl …
Homer & Pocket Classic: The Iliad & The Odyssey
While Homer’s existence as a historical person is still a topic of debate, the writings attributed to the name have made their mark not only on Greek history and literature, but upon western civiliza …
Mark Twain & Pocket Classic: The Complete Works of Mark Twain
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Mark Twain is most noted for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures …
G. K. Chesterton & Pocket Classic: Father Brown Complete Murder and Mysteries
Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of his success: refusing the scientific method of detecti …
Franz Kafka & Pocket Classic: Franz Kafka: The Complete Novels
Content : Unhappiness The Judgment Before the Law The Metamorphosis A Report to an Academy Jackals and Arabs A Country Doctor In the Penal Colony A Hunger Artist The Trial The Castle Amerika A Little …
George S. Clason & Pocket Classic: The Richest Man in Babylon
Beloved by millions, this timeless classic holds the key to all you desire and everything you wish to accomplish. This is the book that reveals the secret to personal wealth. Countless readers have b …
Miguel de Cervantes & Pocket Classic: Don Quijote de la Mancha
Don Quijote de la Mancha, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, editado en 1605, es una de las obras más destacadas de la literatura española y la literatura universal, y una de las más traducida …
Maurice Leblanc & Pocket Classic: Arsène Lupin, gentleman-burglar
Slender, elegant, refined, seductive, Arsène Lupin, gentleman-burglar by trade, is the model of the ‘Belle Epoque’ dandy. His intelligence, his culture, his talents as an illusionist between Fregoli …
Oscar Wilde & Pocket Classic: El retrato de Dorian Gray
La novela cuenta la historia de un joven llamado Dorian Gray, retratado por el artista Basilio Hallward, quien queda enormemente impresionado por la belleza física de Dorian y comienza a encaprichars …
Niccolò Machiavelli & Pocket Classic: El Príncipe
(en el original en italiano: Il principe) es un tratado de doctrina política compuesto por Nicolás Maquiavelo en 1513 mientras se encontraba en San Casciano confinado por la acusación de haber conspi …
Alexandre Dumas & Pocket Classic: Los tres mosqueteros
Este ebook presenta ‘Los tres mosqueteros’, con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Los tres mosqueteros es una novela del escritor Alexandre Dumas, publicada inicialmente en folletines por el periódico …
Alexandre Dumas & Pocket Classic: El tulipán negro
¡Este libro contiene ahora varias tablas HTML de contenidos que harán de la lectura un verdadero placer! El tulipán negro (La tulipe noire) es una novela histórica que comienza con el linchamiento de …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Pocket Classic: Guardia blanca
¡Este libro contiene un indice interactivo que harán la lectura un verdadero placer! ‘La Guardia Blanca’ es una novela histórica de Arthur Conan Doyle que sucede durante la Guerra de los Cien Años en …
Brother Lawrence & Pocket Classic: The Practice of the Presence of God
The Practice of the Presence of God is a text compiled by Father Joseph de Beaufort of the wisdom and teachings of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century Carmelite monk. It is a collection of his letters, …
Jules Verne & Pocket Classic: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ( illustrated, annotated )
discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the S …
James Allen & Pocket Classic: As a Man Thinketh
Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. As a Man Thinketh : Classic Wisdom for Proper Thought, Strong Character, & Right Actions. …
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Pocket Classic: The Brothers Karamazov
The Brothers Karamazov is the final novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, and is generally considered the culmination of his life’s work. Dostoevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothe …
Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Pocket Classic: Crimen y castigo
Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) Crimen y castigo gira en torno a Rodion Raskolnikov. El protagonista es un estudiante que apenas tiene para sobrevivir, ni siquiera a través de los esfuerzos …
Jack London & Pocket Classic: The Call of the Wild
Buck, a sturdy crossbreed canine (half St. Bernard, half Shepard), is a dog born to luxury and raised in a sheltered Californian home. But then he is kidnapped and sold to be a sled dog in the harsh …
H. G. Wells & Pocket Classic: The War of the Worlds
Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. The War of the Worlds (1898), by H. G. Wells, is an early science fiction novel which desc …
Jonathan Swift & Jack London: The Adventure Collection
This set includes five tales of extraordinary heroism, marvelous intrigue, and exceptional courage that have inspired and amazed people for generations. Gulliver’s Travels is Jonathan Swift’s comic t …
Fernando de Rojas & Pocket Classic: La Celestina
La Celestina es el nombre con el que se conoce desde el siglo XVI a la obra titulada primero Comedia de Calisto y Melibea y después Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, atribuida casi en su totalidad a …
Aristóteles & Pocket Classic: Ética a Nicómano
Escrito en el siglo IV a. C., la ‘Ética a Nicómaco’ de Aristóteles es el primer tratado sistemático sobre la ética. Este libro no fue escrito para su hijo Nicómaco como comúnmente se cree sino que re …
Alexandre Dumas & Pocket Classic: El conde de montecristo
Contiene una tabla de contenido activa (HTML) y al final del libro incluye un enlace adicional al audiolibro gratuito. Encarcelado por un crimen que no ha cometido, Edmond Dantes está confinado en la …
Khalil Gibrán & Pocket Classic: El Profeta
Ocho años antes de su muerte un profeta abandona el pueblo donde ha vivido y antes de irse la gente le pide que hable de ciertos temas, cada uno de los cuales forma un capítulo del libro. Estos temas …
Miguel De Unamuno & Pocket Classic: Niebla
No es una novela. Es una ‘nivola’, según su autor. Nuevo género creado por Unamuno, no tuvo mucho arraigo, pero aún así Niebla es una de las obras de ficción más importantes del escritor vasco. El li …
Julio Verne & Pocket Classic: Alrededor de la Luna
La historia de dos estadounidenses y un francés que deciden viajar a la luna dentro de una bala gigante. Una vez emprendido el viaje se quedan atrapados orbitando alrededor de la luna. Cuando por fin …
Howard Phillips Lovecraft & Pocket Classic: La Llamada de Cthulhu
La llamada de Cthulhu (The Call of Cthulhu en inglés) es uno de los relatos cortos más conocidos de H. P. Lovecraft, escrito en el verano de 1926 y publicado en febrero de 1928. Es el único relato es …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: David Copperfield
David Copperfield es una novela escrita por Charles Dickens y publicada por primera vez en 1850. Al igual que el resto de sus obras (a excepción de cinco de ellas), esta novela fue publicada en capít …
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry & Pocket Classic: El Principito
El principito habita un pequeñísimo asteroide, que comparte con una flor caprichosa y tres volcanes. Pero tiene «problemas» con la flor y empieza a experimentar la soledad; hasta que decide abandonar …
Homero & Pocket Classic: La Ilíada
La Ilíada es un poema épico griego antiguo, escrito por Homero y se presume que es la primera obra de la literatura occidental. Cuenta la historia del último año de la vida del guerrero Aquiles y su …
Mark Twain & Pocket Classic: Life On The Mississippi
Life on the Mississippi is a memoir by Mark Twain detailing his days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before and after the American Civil War. The book begins with a brief history of the …
George Eliot & Pocket Classic: George Eliot : The Complete Works
This ebook comprises the complete writings of English writer George Eliot. The collection is sorted chronologically by book (or magazine) publication. There are the usual inline tables of contents an …
Joseph Conrad & Pocket Classic: Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Polish-born writer Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski). Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood …
Ralph Waldo Emerson & Pocket Classic: Self-Reliance and Other Essays
Essayist, poet, and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) propounded a transcendental idealism emphasizing self-reliance, self-culture, and individual expression. The six essays and one addres …
Louisa May Alcott & Pocket Classic: Little Women
Meg is the eldest and on the brink of love. Then there’s tomboy Jo who longs to be a writer. Sweet-natured Beth always puts others first, and finally there’s Amy, the youngest and most precocious. To …
Jane Austen & Pocket Classic: Persuasion
Persuasion is the last novel fully completed by Jane Austen. It was published at the end of 1817, six months after her death. The story concerns Anne Elliot, a young Englishwoman of 27 years, whose f …
León Tolstoi & Pocket Classic: La muerte de Iván Ilich
‘La muerte de Iván Ilich’ se publicó en 1886, varios años después de un período de depresión y confusión intelectual personal (1875-1878) que terminó con la conversión de Tolstoi al cristianismo. El …
John Bunyan & Pocket Classic: The Pilgrim’s Progress
The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February, 1678. It is regarded as one of the most significant works of …
Daniel Defoe & Pocket Classic: Robinson Crusoe
The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (of York, Mariner Who lived Eight and Twenty Years all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Gre …
Mary Shelley & Pocket Classic: Frankenstein
Mary Shelley began writing Frankenstein when she was only eighteen. At once a Gothic thriller, a passionate romance, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of science, Frankenstein tells the story o …
Nathaniel Hawthorne & Pocket Classic: The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, is an American novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and is generally considered to be his magnum opus. Set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, it tells the story of …
Herman Melville & Pocket Classic: Moby-Dick
A masterpiece of storytelling, this epic saga pits Ahab, a brooding and fantastical sea captain, against the great white whale that crippled him. In telling the tale of Ahab’s passion for revenge and …
Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Pocket Classic: The Brothers Karamazov
The Brothers Karamasov is a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and an exploration of erotic rivalry in a series of triangular love affairs involving the ‘wicked and sentimental’ Fyodor Pavlovich Kara …
Edgar Allan Poe & Pocket Classic: Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems
This ebook compiles Edgar Allan Poe’s complete tales and poems, including ‘The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket’, ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’, ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’, ‘The Raven’ and ‘ …
Lucius Annaeus Seneca & Pocket Classic: Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
As chief advisor to the emperor Nero, Lucius Annaeus Seneca was most influential in ancient Rome as a power behind the throne. His lasting fame derives from his writings on Stoic ideology, in which p …
Jane Austen & Pocket Classic: The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Lady … Sandition, and the Complete Juvenilia
Since its immediate success in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has remained one of the most popular novels in the English language. Jane Austen called this brilliant work ‘her own darling child’ and its vi …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Pocket Classic: Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Collection
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He is the creation of Scottish born author and physician Sir Arthur Cona …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Pocket Classic: Sherlock Holmes: La Colección Completa
En Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle creó uno de los personajes literarios más conocidos y más realizados en el mundo. Desde la muerte de Doyle, ha habido un montón de escritores que imitan sus …
Homer & Pocket Classic: The Iliad & The Odyssey
While Homer’s existence as a historical person is still a topic of debate, the writings attributed to the name have made their mark not only on Greek history and literature, but upon western civiliza …
Robert Louis Stevenson & Pocket Classic: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Dr. Henry Jekyll, fascinated by the …
Washington Irving & Pocket Classic: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ represents Washington Irving’s second comic masterpiece, a ghostly tale about things that go bump in the night. The specter in question here is the mysterious Headless H …
Jack London & Pocket Classic: The Call of the Wild
‘The Call of the Wild’ is considered to be one Jack London’s greatest novels. During the Yukon Gold Rush of the late 19th century London traveled there to strike it rich. While he didn’t find any gol …
Leo Tolstoy & Pocket Classic: War and Peace
Hailed as one of the greatest novels of all time and a classic of world literature, War and Peace unfolds in the early nineteenth century during the turbulent years of the Napoleonic invasion of Russ …
Alexandre Dumas & Pocket Classic: The Count of Monte Cristo
Set against the turbulent years of the Napoleonic era, Alexandre Dumas’s thrilling adventure story is one of the most widely read romantic novels of all time. In it the dashing young hero, Edmond Dan …
Aristóteles & Dante Alighieri: 50 Clásicos que debes leer antes de morir
La Divina Comedia by Dante Alighieri Metafísica by Aristóteles Sentido y Sensibiildad by Jane Austen Las Flores del Mal by Charles Baudelaire El Decamerón by Giovanni Boccaccio Agnes Grey (Español) b …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: Charles Dickens: The Complete Novels
This book contains the complete novels of Charles Dickens in the chronological order of their original publication. – The Pickwick Papers – Oliver Twist – Nicholas Nickleby – The Old Curiosity Shop – …
Ralph Waldo Emerson & Pocket Classic: Self-Reliance & Other Essays
Book contains first two collections of essays, Essays: First Series (1841) and Essays: Second Series (1844), representing the core thinking of Ralph Waldo Emerson. First Series Includes well-known Es …
Jack London & Pocket Classic: White Fang
Considered both a companion and mirror to The Call of the Wild, this stirring adventure of friendship and survival reveals the conflicts between domesticity and instinct, as well as society and the n …
Oscar Wilde & Pocket Classic: Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works
This ebook contains Oscar Wilde’s complete works. This edition has been professionally formatted and contains several tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebo …
Marcel Proust & Pocket Classic: In Search of Lost Time [volumes 1 to 7]
”In Search of Lost Time’ is widely recognized as the major novel of the twentieth century.’ —Harold Bloom ‘At once the last great classic of French epic prose tradition and the towering precursor of …
Aristotle & Pocket Classic: Aristotle: The Complete Works
Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and student of Plato who stunningly changed the course of Western philosophy. He has gone down in history as one of the greatest philosophers of all ti …
The Brothers Grimm & Pocket Classic: The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales
When Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published their Children’s and Household Tales in 1812, followed by a second volume in 1815, they had no idea that such stories as ‘Rapunzel, ‘ ‘Hansel and Gretel, ‘ and …
H.P. Lovecraft & Pocket Classic: H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Collection
Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Virtually unknown and only published in pulp magazines before he died in …
Friedrich Nietzsche & Pocket Classic: Beyond Good and Evil
A caustic criticism of nearly every philosophic predecessor and a challenge of traditionally held views on right and wrong, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil paved the way for modern philoso …
Kahlil Gibran & Pocket Classic: The Prophet
The Prophet is a book of 26 poetic essays written in English in 1923 by the Lebanese-American artist, philosopher and writer Khalil Gibran. In the book, the prophet Almustafa who has lived in the for …
Edgar Allan Poe & Pocket Classic: Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems
his edition has been professionally formatted and contains several tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this …
Emily Dickinson & Pocket Classic: Emily Dickinson: Complete Poems
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886) was an American poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted an …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: The Complete Christmas Books and Stories
Contents : The Christmas Books: – A Christmas Carol – The Chimes – The Cricket on the Hearth – The Battle of Life – The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain The Christmas Stories: – A Christmas Tree – …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Pocket Classic: The Complete Anne of Green Gables
Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) Don’t Miss a Moment with Anne Shirley in this Anne of Green Gables Bundle  This bundle includes:  • Anne of Green Gables  • Anne of Avonlea  • Anne of the Isl …
Plato & Pocket Classic: The Republic
discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. Often ranked as the greatest of Pla …
H.G.Wells & Pocket Classic: The Time Machine
discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. When a Victorian scientist propels …
Louisa May Alcott & Pocket Classic: Mujercitas
Little Women o, Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy es una novela de la autora estadounidense Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888). Escrita y publicada en dos partes en 1868 y 1869, la novela sigue la vida de cuatro herman …
Bram Stoker & Pocket Classic: Dracula
Jonathan Harker, a young London solicitor travels to Transylvania to help a rich nobleman, Count Dracula, purchase an estate in England. Dracula is planning to immigrate to England, and wants Harker …
Algernon Blackwood & Pocket Classic: Algernon Blackwood: The Complete Supernatural Stories
Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) was an English short story writer and novelist, one of the most prolific writers of ghost stories in the history of the genre. He was also a journalist and a broadcasti …
Henry James & Pocket Classic: The Turn of the Screw
The Turn of the Screw is a short novel or a novella written by American writer Henry James. Originally published in 1898, it is ostensibly a ghost story that has lent itself well to operatic and film …
Wilkie Collins & Pocket Classic: The Woman in White
Wilkie Collins’s classic thriller took the world by storm on its first appearance in 1859, with everything from dances to perfumes to dresses named in honor of the ‘woman in white.’ The novel’s conti …
Laozi & Pocket Classic: Tao Te Ching
The Tao Te Ching is fundamental to the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. This ancient book is also central in Chinese r …
Marcus Aurelius & Pocket Classic: Meditations
Nearly two thousand years after it was written, Meditations remains profoundly relevant for anyone seeking to lead a meaningful life. Few ancient works have been as influential as the Meditations of …
Walt Whitman & Pocket Classic: Leaves of Grass
In 1855, Walt Whitman published — at his own expense — the first edition of Leaves of Grass, a visionary volume of twelve poems. Showing the influence of a uniquely American form of mysticism known a …
Frederick Douglass & Pocket Classic: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and ex-slave, Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of …
Frederick Douglass & Pocket Classic: My Bondage and My Freedom
My Bondage and My Freedom is an autobiographical slave narrative written by Frederick Douglass and published in 1855. It is the second of three autobiographies written by Douglass, and is mainly an e …
Stefan Zweig & Pocket Classic: Stefan Zweig : Erzählungen
Brennendes Geheimnis Geschichte in der Dämmerung Angst Der Amokläufer Brief einer Unbekannten Die Frau und die Landschaft Die Mondscheingasse Phantastische Nacht Untergang eines Herzens Verwirrung de …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843; the first edition was illustrated by John Leech. A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer …
Clement C. Moore & Pocket Classic: The Night Before Christmas (Illustrated)
The Christmas Classic in it’s Original Text with Cute Illustrations ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.’ Clement C. Moore’s ori …
Louisa May Alcott & O. Henry: The Ultimate Christmas Reading: 400 Christmas Novels Stories Poems Carols Legends (Illustrated Edition)
If you were looking for the definitive Christmas anthology, consider yourself lucky, because you just found it! This book is everything you want Christmas to be — loving, warm and celebratory. Timele …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: The Complete Christmas Books and Stories
Contents : The Christmas Books: – A Christmas Carol – The Chimes – The Cricket on the Hearth – The Battle of Life – The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain The Christmas Stories: – A Christmas Tree – …
O. Henry & Pocket Classic: The Gift of the Magi
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Jim Dillingham Young and his wife Della are a young couple who are very much in love with each other, bu …
Virginia Woolf & Pocket Classic: To the Lighthouse
To the Lighthouse is a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf. The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920. In 1998, the Modern Library named T …
Willa Cather & Pocket Classic: Death Comes for the Archbishop
Set in the mid-19th century. At the center of the novel are two French Jesuits – Bishop Jean Marie Latour and his friend Father Joseph Vaillant – two celibate men who devote their lives to bring reli …
Agatha Christie & Pocket Classic: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
In what is considered to be one of her most controversial mysteries, Agatha Christie breaks all the rules of traditional mystery writing. The eminent Belgian detective Hercule Poirot has lost a frien …
Agatha Christie & Pocket Classic: The Big Four
Famed private eye Hercule Poirot tackles international intrigue and espionage in this classic Agatha Christie mystery. Framed in the doorway of Hercule Poirot’s bedroom stands an uninvited guest, coa …
H.P. Lovecraft & Pocket Classic: H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Collection
Unlock the world of H. P. Lovecraft on your Kindle with the complete collection of his horror and fantasy works. This collection includes all of Lovecraft’s famous works such as the Cthulhu Mythos, a …
Jane Austen & Pocket Classic: Emma
Dive into the captivating world of Emma Woodhouse with the ebook ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen! This classic of English literature is filled with love affairs, strong friendships, and personal discoveries. W …
Victor Hugo & Pocket Classic: Les Misérables
Les Misérables, written by Victor Hugo, is an exciting and emotional novel that will transport you to 19th century France. This book is a heart-wrenching story of the fight for justice and redemption …
Napoleon Hill & Pocket Classic: Think and Grow Rich!
‘Think and Grow Rich’ is a classic book on success and wealth written by Napoleon Hill. This book reveals the secrets of the world’s wealthiest businessmen such as Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. Wit …
William Strunk & Pocket Classic: The Elements of Style ( 4th Edition)
‘The Elements of Style’ is a timeless guidebook for writers seeking to improve their writing skills. Written by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, this book provides clear and concise rules of gramma …
Laozi & Pocket Classic: Tao Te Ching
The Tao Te Ching, also known as the ‘Book of the Way and the Virtue, ‘ is one of the most important texts in Chinese philosophy and a must-read for spiritual literature enthusiasts. Written by Lao Tz …
Swami Vivekananda & Pocket Classic: Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda: Timeless Wisdom for Spiritual Growth and Transformation
Embark on a transformative spiritual journey with the ‘Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, ‘ a comprehensive collection of the revered Hindu monk’s teachings and insights. This carefully curated com …
James Joyce & Pocket Classic: Ulysses by James Joyce: A Groundbreaking Odyssey through the Streets of Dublin
Embark on a literary journey like no other with James Joyce’s groundbreaking masterpiece, ‘Ulysses.’ Hailed as one of the most important works of modernist literature, this complex and multi-layered …
Jack London & Pocket Classic: Jack London: The Complete Novels
Embark on a thrilling journey through the rugged wilderness and captivating imagination of Jack London with this comprehensive collection of his complete novels. Unleash your inner adventurer and exp …
Homer & Pocket Classic: The Iliad
Witness the Clash of Titans in Homer’s Timeless Tale of Heroes, Gods, and Fate. Step back in time to the Bronze Age and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Homer’s Iliad. Witness the legendary …
Edith Wharton & Pocket Classic: The Age of Innocence
Step into a bygone era of extravagant balls and hidden desires. Edith Wharton’s timeless novel ‘The Age of Innocence’ paints a captivating portrait of New York’s glittering Gilded Age. Delve into a w …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 1 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Embark on a heartwarming journey with this complete collection of Beatrix Potter's classic tales! This charming ebook treasury features including the iconic The Tale of Peter Rabbit, the adventu …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 2 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Continue the adventure with 4 more enchanting tales from Beatrix Potter’s timeless collection! Unwrap another treasure trove of Beatrix Potter’s whimsical stories in this delightful Volume 2! Join mi …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 3 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Discover 5 heartwarming tales and unforgettable characters in the latest volume of Beatrix Potter's timeless stories! Welcome to the captivating world of Volume 3 in Beatrix Potter's Comple …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 4 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Step into the charming world of Beatrix Potter with ‘Whimsical Tales Unfold: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection Vol 4, ‘ featuring the endearing adventures of the Flopsy Bunnies, Ginger and Pickl …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 5 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Dive into 3 captivating tales of unforgettable characters in Beatrix Potter's beloved collection! Unfold a world of wonder with Volume 5 in The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection! This charming …
Beatrix Potter & Pocket Classic: The Complete Beatrix Potter Collection vol 6 : Tales & Original Illustrations
Discover a delightful mix of nursery rhymes, heartwarming stories, and a touch of magic in Volume 6 of Beatrix Potter's timeless collection! Embark on a captivating journey with Volume 6 in The …
Miguel Cervantes & Pocket Classic: Don Quixote
Discover the Madness and Brilliance of the Original Knight-Errant Don Quixote is a classic novel by Miguel de Cervantes, first published in two parts in 1605 and 1615. The story follows Alonso Quixan …
Miguel Cervantes & Pocket Classic: Don Quijote
Descubre la Locura y el Brillo del Caballero Andante Original Don Quijote es una novela clásica de Miguel de Cervantes, publicada por primera vez en dos partes en 1605 y 1615. La historia sigue a Alo …
Karl Marx & Pocket Classic: The Communist Manifesto
Unveil the ideas that shaped the modern world. The Communist Manifesto, a revolutionary text by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, continues to spark debate and inspire movements. Inside, you'll di …
Louisa May Alcott & Jane Austen: 50 Masterpieces You Must Read Before You Die: Volume 2
Embark on a transformative journey through time and cultures with Vol. 2 of our acclaimed ’50 Masterpieces’ collection! Dive into timeless tales from literary giants like James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, …
Mark Twain & Pocket Classic: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Embark on a timeless journey with one of America's greatest literary classics, ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain. Discover why this novel continues to captivate readers of all a …
Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Pocket Classic: Crime and Punishment
Discover Fyodor Dostoevsky's timeless classic, ‘Crime and Punishment, ‘ a riveting tale that delves deep into the human psyche and explores the profound themes of morality, guilt, and redemption …
Alcott, Louisa May & Jane Austen: 50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2
Unlock the World of Classic Literature with ’50 Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die Vol. 2′! Dive into a collection of literary treasures that span centuries and genres, offering timeless st …
Charlotte Brontë & Pocket Classic: Jane Eyre
Experience the Unforgettable Journey of Jane Eyre! Dive into the gripping world of ‘Jane Eyre, ‘ a literary masterpiece by Charlotte Brontë that has captivated readers for generations. Follow the ind …
Charlotte Brontë & Pocket Classic: Jane Eyre
Discover a timeless tale of passion, resilience, and independence.  Lost and alone, young Jane Eyre yearns for love and acceptance. Her indomitable spirit leads her on a journey of self-discovery as …
Oscar Wilde & Pocket Classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Unleash the power of a timeless masterpiece.   The Picture of Dorian Gray is a captivating exploration of the human psyche, morality, and the corrupting influence of beauty. Oscar Wilde's master …
Dante Alighieri & Pocket Classic: The Divine Comedy: Dante Alighieri’s Epic Journey Through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise
Embark on an Unforgettable Journey Through the Afterlife with Dante's Divine Comedy! Experience one of the greatest works of world literature with ‘The Divine Comedy, ‘ Dante Alighieri's ep …
Charles Dickens & Pocket Classic: David Copperfield
A classic tale of resilience and hope. Join David Copperfield on a journey of self-discovery as he navigates the complexities of childhood, love, and loss. From the hardships of boarding school to th …
Alexandre Dumas & Pocket Classic: The Three Musketeers: The Complete D’Artagnan Saga
‘Dive into the captivating world of Alexandre Dumas’ iconic heroes!’ Experience the thrilling adventures of D’Artagnan and his loyal musketeers in this definitive collection. From the daring escapade …
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Pocket Classic: White Nights
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Dostoevsky's ‘White Nights’! Step into the dreamy nights of St. Petersburg, where a lonely dreamer's life is forever changed by a chance encounte …
Clement C. Moore & Pocket Classic: The Night Before Christmas
Experience the magic of Christmas Eve like never before with enchanting illustrations that breathe life into every page of this timeless holiday classic. This beautifully illustrated edition of The N …
Clement C. Moore & Pocket Classic: The Night Before Christmas
Step into the magic of Christmas Eve with an illustrated edition that brings this timeless tale to life. This beautifully illustrated edition of The Night Before Christmas is a captivating journey th …