Become an innovator in the nonprofit world
Student friendly and readable,
Cases in Innovative Nonprofits provides readers with current comparative case studies of innovative nonprofit organizations that are meeting the needs of humanity in both the U.S. and abroad. Edited by well-known scholars, Ram A. Cnaan and Diane Vinokur-Kaplan, this text provides inspiring examples of social entrepreneurs who have instituted new services to meet the needs of both new and long standing social problems. Each case features either an unidentified need and its successful response, or an existing need that was tackled in a unique and innovative manner.
The text is purposefully organized into four parts:
Part 1: Two conceptual chapters give the reader an understanding of what a nonprofit social innovation is and tools to analyze various social innovations in this volume and elsewhere.
Part 2: Ten cases reveal the innovative formation of new nonprofit organizations.
Part 3: Three cases emphasize innovation through collaboration.
Part 4: Five cases demonstrate innovations taking place within an existing nonprofit organization.
By using a simple, identical format for each case, this text facilitates student learning through comparative review, providing a deeper understanding about the complexity and steps required to achieve nonprofit social innovation.
İçerik tablosu
Part 1: Understanding Nonprofit Social Innovation
1. Social Innovation: Definitions, Clarifications, and a New Model – Ram A. Cnaan and Diane Vinokur-Kaplan
2. Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Social Mission Organizations: Towards a Conceptualization – Björn Schmitz
Part 2: Innovation and New Nonprofit Organizations
3. Welfare Reform Liaison Project (WRLP): From Job Training to Community Development – Robert J. Wineburgh and Odell Cleveland
4. Help Hope Live: Meeting Financial Needs in Medical Crises – Ram A. Cnaan and Lynne Coughlin Samson
5. Café au Play: Creating a Family Centered Social Space in Portland, Oregon – Charles Heying
6. The Mind Trust: Innovations in Urban Education – Wolfgang Bielefeld
7. Give India: Web Donations in an Emerging Philanthropic Market – Micheal L. Shier and Femida Handy
8. Personal, Societal, and Political Conditions of Successful Innovations: A Case Study of the Difficult Survival of the Social Innovation Foundation (Hungary) – Gábor Hegyesi, Katalin Talyigás, and Jon Van Til
9. Resto Van Harte: A Dutch Restaurant Assisting Others to Overcome Social Isolation – Lucas Meijs
10. Seacology: A Win-Win Collaboration to Protect Island Environments and Peoples – Bruce Sievers and Henry Jones
11. Dialogue in the Dark: Mainstreaming Blind People in Germany – Andreas Schröer
12. Krembo Wings: A Youth Organization for Children With Disabilities in Israel – Michal Almog-Bar
Part 3: Innovation Through Collaboration
13. The Center for Rural Development in Appalachia: Linking 45 Counties for Better Service Delivery – Margaret F. Sloan
14. Living Cities: Reinventing Philanthropy to Serve Poor Communities – Avis C. Vidal
15. Overcoming Constraints in the U.S. Human Services System: How New York City Uses Collaboration to Encourage Innovation – Lauren Miltenberger
Part 4: Innovation Within Existing Nonprofit Organizations
16. The YMCA: A Pioneer of Organizational Innovations – Martti Muukkonen
17. Helping Social Change to Bloom: Two Capacity-Building Innovations at Third Sector New England – Diane Vinokur-Kaplan and Jonathan Spack
18. Metro Teen AIDS: Serve and Advocate – Alan J. Abramson, Lehn M. Benjamin, and Stefan Toepler
19. Empowering Social Workers in Social Service Organizations in South Korea – Chulhee Kang and Sangchul Lee
20. Social Innovations in Mature, Faith-Based, Social Service Nonprofit Organizations: Two German Case Studies – Björn Schmitz
Part 5: Lesson Learned
21. Lessons Learned: Themes Observed from Successful Nonprofit Social Innovations – Diane Vinokur-Kaplan and Ram A.Cnaan
About the Authors
Yazar hakkında
Diane Vinokur-Kaplan is an associate professor of human services management at the University Of Michigan School Of Social Work in Ann Arbor. She has published in such areas as work motivation, job training and job satisfaction and interdisciplinary teams. She has also served on the board of ARNOVA. . Her current research is on non-profit co-locations, where separate organizations reside under one roof and share services.