Yazar: Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray is a research fellow at Boston University’s Global Economic Governance Initiative and a Ph D student in economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Kevin Gallagher is Professor of Global Development Studies at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, and Co-director of BU”s Global Economic Governance Initiative. Andrés López is a full professor of development economics and head of the economics department at the University of Buenos Aires as well as the executive director of the Red Sudamericana de Economía Aplicada. Cynthia Sanborn is Professor of Political Science and Vice President for Research at the Universidad del Pacifico.

11 Ebooks tarafından Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray & Kevin Gallagher: China and Sustainable Development in Latin America
During Latin America’s China-led commodity boom, governments turned a blind eye to the inherent flaws in the region’s economic policy. Now that the commodity boom is coming to an end, those flaws can …
Rebecca Ray: The Answer and Other Love Stories
Unsettling, beautiful, laced with dark humour and tenderness, The Answer and Other Love Stories explores the inner lives of those who live as neighbours, pass each other in the street and work side …
Jack J. Phillips & Patti Phillips: Measuring Leadership Development: Quantify Your Program’s Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance
Prove the financial value of your programs-so funders can’t say no Not measuring the impact of leadership development is like dieting without weighing-in. This outstanding book offers a very logical …
Rebecca Ray & Kevin Gallagher: China and Sustainable Development in Latin America
During Latin America’s China-led commodity boom, governments turned a blind eye to the inherent flaws in the region’s economic policy. Now that the commodity boom is coming to an end, those flaws can …
Rebecca Ray: Be Happy
You’ve heard it all before: Just think positive! Just believe! But there’s no quick fix for a happy life. Be Happy is a practical guide for forming 35 daily habits that will lead to a life of thriv …
Kevin P. Gallagher & Rebecca Ray: Development Banks and Sustainability in the Andean Amazon
This book explores what development banks, governments, and communities have learned in the last decade of careful negotiation between social and environmental protections in the Andean Amazon, and t …
Kevin P. Gallagher & Rebecca Ray: Development Banks and Sustainability in the Andean Amazon
This book explores what development banks, governments, and communities have learned in the last decade of careful negotiation between social and environmental protections in the Andean Amazon, and t …
Rebecca Ray & Kevin P. Gallagher: China en América Latina
En América Latina, el reciente boom de las inversiones chinas es visto por algunos como una bendición, por permitirnos un mayor crecimiento económico, y por otros como una maldición, porque presenta …
Patricia Pulliam Phillips & Jack J. Phillips: Measuring the Success of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement, impact, ROI—if you can’t connect the three, your program’s in trouble. The number of employees who sleepwalk through the day or undermine the work of their engaged …
Patricia Pulliam Phillips & Jack J. Phillips: Measuring the Success of Leadership Development
Evaluate leadership development programs all the way to impact and ROI. Globally, a record amount is being invested in leadership development, more than at any other time in history. And that …
Patricia Pulliam Phillips & Jack J. Phillips: Proving the Value of Soft Skills
A Step-by-Step Guide to Showing the Value of Soft Skill Programs As organizations rise to meet the challenges of technological innovation, globalization, changing customer needs and perspectives, …