Renate Pieper is Professor at the University of Graz, Austria. Her main fields of research are early modern economic and cultural history, the Spanish Empire and its European connections, especially cultural exchange, communication media and networks, mining, prices and state finances
Claudia de Lozanne Jefferies is Senior Lecturer in Economics at City University of London, UK. Her main fields of research are monetary and financial history.
Markus Denzel is Professor and Chair of Social and Economic History at the University of Leipzig, Germany. His main fields of research are international payments, the role of money and bills, and currency history.
2 Ebooks tarafından Renate Pieper
Renate Pieper & Claudia de Lozanne Jefferies: Mining, Money and Markets in the Early Modern Atlantic
This volume documents recent efforts to track the transformation and trajectory of silver during the early modern period, from its origins in ores located on either side of the Atlantic to its use as …
Renate Pieper: Geschichte Lateinamerikas seit dem 15. Jahrhundert
1492 traf die Expedition des Genuesen Christoph Kolumbus in der Karibik ein. Zahlreiche weitere europäische Unternehmungen sollten folgen. Welten prallten aufeinander und es entstand im Laufe der Zei …