A collection which considers the crucial role of radio in small nations, presenting diverse voices and diverse themes and held together by passionate and scrupulous research.
İçerik tablosu
Radio in Small Nations: An Introduction 1 Richard J. Hand and Mary Traynor 1 In Search of Access, Localness and Sustainability: Radio in Post-devolutionary Wales Steve Johnson and Philip Mitchell 2 Voice of a Nation: The Development of Radio and Ireland Rosemary Day 3 We Don’t Talk Any More: The Strange Case of Scottish Broadcasting Devolution Policy and Radio Silence Ken Garner 4 New Zealand – A Radio Paradise? Brian Pauling 5 Radio as an Expression of Nation and Sub – nation in Laos Mary Traynor 6 Training for Life: The Contribution of Radio Training to Indigenous Education and Well-being in Australia Ioana Suciu and Kitty van Vuuren 7 CHOU Arabic Radio in Montreal: Finding Unity in Diversity Martin Lo Monaco 8 Regional Radio and Community: John Lair and the Renfro Valley Barn Dance Jacob J. Podber 9 Community Radio for the Czech Republic – Who Cares? Henry G. Loeser 10 Radio in the Republic of Moldova: The Struggle for Public Service Broadcasting James Stewart 11 Radio in Wales: The Practitioner Speaks Julie Kissick and Mary Traynor Works Cited Interviews