The Choatic Love Story of a Woman Named Hannah
Let me say something about Hannah My girl is a winner, real winner. She has that career, independence, lifestyle everyone wants — no strings, no messes, no nonsense. Her life is inexplicably perfect on every front, right on time. Why? She does that to it.
Hannah is very intelligent and quick, two thoughts ahead of everyone else, efficient and never lets feelings hinder her progress. She was results orientated, no time for distractions or any bullshit.
She has cemented her place in society, laid each brick of her walls herself, becoming this invincible woman who does not require your validation. She’s earned her position, made a name for herself in a world where people often underestimate those who stand alone.
Her job? She dominates. Her social life? She keeps it tidy, filled with only the people she wants around, people who know how to stay in their lane. Romance? Forget it. Not her thing. She has seen it, she has heard, and does not believe all that sappy stuff. Love is just another way to surrender, and she ain’t got no time for that.
But here is the catch — people think they have it all figured out until someone or something comes and flips their world upside down.
They think they have all the answers, all the power, until something comes along that changes the game. Hannah believed she had it all figured out. She didn’t need love. She didn’t need some guy complicating her perfectly laid-out plans.
Her friends were inseparable and would always tease, ‘Come on, when is you gonna to tie the knot Hannah’ Life goes on man — ‘you will meet someone to spend your life with? Then she’d laugh a little with a smirk as if she knows best. She played a different game and she won.
She had her daily schedule–hit the gym in morning, rock it out at workplace, dine out at best of restaurants and night was ended with a glass of wine only for herself.
And you know what? It worked. It worked perfectly for her. But then, c’est la vie….isn’t that how life is? You believe that you live your life perfectly, but from somewhere a part of the life will slap you on the face as if it was invisible before.
It is like opening a door and walking in thinking you will be one place, and then the lights go off and when they are turned back on, it looks a lot different.
For Hannah, the turning point came on a Thursday, during one of those quiet evenings when she had no meetings, no plans, no agenda—just her and a glass of her favorite cabernet. And then he walked in, James.
He wasn’t the type you could ignore, the kind of guy who made you look twice, not because he was loud or flashy, but because he had this presence.
He caused her to question things she had never even thought about questioning. And that was when she started wearing thin, so minuscule at first, but widening every time she allowed herself to miss him.
She was well aware that if she were to open the door and let him in, it would be like unleashing a whirlwind; a storm she had no wish to weather.
But there was something about him that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, something that pulled her in, even when she knew she should keep her distance.
It wasn’t logical, it wasn’t practical, but it was there. And for the first time in a long time, she found herself thinking about more than just the next big deal, the next achievement.
Hannah has a plan and she prides herself on being in control of her life, but life has a way of surprising you. Other times, it just give you a curveball that you can not hit however many ways you swing.
And that right here, in this bit, was where she first saw that maybe—just maybe—there might be another way to play the game. But she was NOT going down without a fight. She was prepared to nail this if love and order was going to be a fight. And that’s how our story starts.
To be continued…